Well, Except For The Budweiser….

This is us.

Every year since we got together, the Wifely Unit does KFC for Christmas Eve dinner, I just put in my order.

Yeah, I got lucky and married up.

I have always been White Trash and proud of it.

My thanks to Mr. Paul S. for sending this my way, it’s perfect.

So whatever your tastes in Christmas dinner are, like us, just be grateful we have anything at all and say a prayer for those less fortunate.

Merry Christmas and Happy New year from my clan to yours and a special thanks to CederQ for taking this meager little Blog in a dirty little corner of the internet to a new level.

Very, very sincerely from yours truly,


15 thoughts on “Well, Except For The Budweiser….

  1. Looks to me like there’s a can of Pabst on the table too. Merry Christmas back to you!

  2. One time at work I made a crack comment about “white trash”, and one of my co-workers took offense: “That’s my family yer bad mouthin’!” But I maintain that being redneck does not mean you have to live in a trash heap. We have a lot of people here that “white trash” is the best I could say about them.
    Been a while since I’ve had KFC, but I wouldn’t turn it down. Just stay away from the little packets labeled “honey flavored sauce”.
    My best wishes for you and all of the cranky curmudgeons that haunt this obscure corner of the interwebs.

  3. Merry Christmas to the writer(s) and faithful readers of this blog. One of the better blogs around – Thank you for the hard work finding / generating content.

  4. One of my favorite blogs, thanks to Phil and CederQ and all the rest of you for making this place what it is,

    • WWW, I second your observation. Thanks to all ya’ll.
      KFC? Shit, Phil…yer livin’ the dream.
      Wifely unit & I just made a big chicken pot pie for our
      Christmas lunch.
      And I do not have a complaint in the world about it, either.
      Proud W. T.

  5. Merry Christmas to both you (Phil) and CederQ. And Christmas is about tradition, whatever it is and what you make of it. Thanks to you both for also dropping by my little piece of the Interwebz to say ‘hi’ as well.

  6. Merry Christmas! The Christmas Eve supper is what we call a Gwinnett Salad. It is basically a Cobb Salad but with fried chicken instead of grilled chicken. Cobb and Gwinnett are both counties in the metro Atlanta area. A decade back Cobb county got the Atlanta Braves and Gwinnett got the AAA Gwinnett Braves until they changed their name to the Stripers. I used to live less than 2 miles from the stadium in Gwinnett. The Gwinnett Salad is a knock on the Cobb Salad but with southern style.

  7. In Japan, pretty much everyone goes out for KFC and gets laid. Not a bad arrangement, IMHO.

    Merry Christmas and here’s to tossing this incredibly stupid year overboard in a few day’s time.

  8. Were all y’all aware that KFC is big over in Japan? Tyeyre big on it for the Holidays.

    Weird, huh?

  9. U R right about the bud – I’d go with Pabst – Red Neck, White Socks, & Blue Ribbon Beer. (With Olympia and Pearl as back up). Good health, much fun, and great joy to you in 2024. God Bless you all.

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