10 thoughts on “We Wanted George Jetson’s Flying Car

    • I wouldn’t be either.

      I have so many technical questions and reservations about this that iIt isn’t even funny. IF it’s legit…General Aesop and Peter Grant need to know these aren’t two-bit hobby drones. For them to work as advertised, this would need to be cutting edge DARPA tech…

  1. When there has to be a human behind the camera to push the button it’s just a different rifle. Now if they can go hunting on there own it’s a really different story.

  2. Hilarious!! They advertise these like they are some kind of stealth technology, sneaking up on the guy on the phone. I have yet to see a drone that is silent, they’re loud.

    Also, I’m sure a fine mesh net would handle and defeat any of these things flying around. You know the kind, the high tech (NOT) stuff used to catch bats.

  3. It may still be Sci-fi/Fantasy, but not for much longer. I’ve been saying for years that we’re living in a Sci-fi movie……..and it doesn’t end well.

  4. Coming soon to a US city near you….guaranteed. WE are the carbon THEY want to reduce.

  5. If the little grifter from Ukraine sees this he’ll be whining to pResident Cadaver for them too.

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