You may have seen an article yesterday about a bunch of protesters being arrested over in Idaho at a Gay Pride rally for Conspiracy To Riot
I did but the importance of it escaped me until this morning while I was out having my coffee and smoke, skimming the headlines.
The people arrested were a group called The Patriot Front.
I recognized the name because of the irony of them being a front for nefarious purposes and their Method of Operation.
All dressed alike and showing up in a rented U Haul van, some with identical riot shields

The light came on when I reread that part.
The same bunch that showed up in D.C. a while back, out of the blue, all dressed alike and all mysteriously young and in good physical condition.
Not one typical fat, out of shape, middle aged American male in the bunch.

Very reminiscent of another group you may recall,

You would have to have almost zero Situational Awareness to see these two groups and not immediately think Glownigger.

In other words, Feds, gaslighting the shit out of everyone, posing as random citizens and trying to stir up a bunch of shit.

This opportunity I mentioned above would the ability to find out who these people really are now that they have been arrested.
It wouldn’t surprise me to find out someone on The Chans has already doxxed their asses if the arrest records have been made public, as they should be.
If they haven’t, then that would be one more confirmation of Fed Boi status for these guys.
It looks to me like someone forgot to inform these police officers over in Idaho about the
plan and they decided that they didn’t feel like playing Fucky Fuck games with a bunch of obvious Shit Disturbers.
How fortunate for us.
Suspect the locals were in on it, too.
Idaho needs one behind every blade of grass, bush, tree, pill box next time.
It’s Sunday, pray for us sinners.
Now, and at the hour of *their deaths.*
Yep. Govt Paid ‘crisis’ bad actors. Spot on, Phil.
Sheriff’s dept. with 30 individuals charged with ‘criminal conspiracy’
Haven’t gone any further with it yet.
Great catch Phil. Another tip off is the media hyping the shit outta this story.
Mebbe not CIA, most likely FiBbIes.
Either way, all FedBois.
Branch Davidian stuff: years ago I was a deacon at a church in Texas. One of the guys in the men’s Bible study group was the AiC of the counter terrorism unit of the FBI for the SW region, a good dude as far as I could tell. He was in the Abrams tank at the Waco seige the day that the compound burned. He told me that the fibbies didn’t start the fire, that they were pumping in tear gas trying to get the folks to surrender. But they were also aware that the tear gas could become flammable once it settled and dried.
Another friend of mine was a lieutenant on the Waco fire department at that time, in charge of dispatch. He told me a couple of things about the situation at the compound. He wondered why the fibbies didn’t ask the sheriff to assist in grabbing Koresh. He said that he knew from the local LEOs that Koresh came into Waco twice/week to pick up mail and do a little shopping. They could have grabbed him easily and safely at any time before the seige. He also said that he was asked by the fibbies to dispatch a fire truck and ambulance to the scene every day of the seige except for the day it burned.
They’re monsters, we know because that’s how monsters behave. Doesn’t matter if the monsters don’t consciously recognize they’re monsters, that’s doublethink, makes their lies more effective. Harden your hearts. Doesn’t matter if he’s a member of your church; how do you think monsters would camouflage themselves?
Who handcuffs a suspect, yet leaves their mask in place?
Somebody who is aware this is a Fibbie setup, that’s who!
Ya wanna bet we’ll NEVER see their mug shots?
6 out of 10 kids are tubs of lard. and these clowns all seem to be mid 20’s , fit, sort of
short hair, not much facial hair,,,- feds !!
wonder what bullshit they where to do this time.
or maybe just another nail in the evil white man bad story ?
and the red flag laws will be coming soon.
as you know, they will out number you at a time. it how they work.
The sheriff just doxxed them.
Were you expecting the Gravy Seals?
If they all walk away without charges, you can be certain they are all Feds.
Glowies for sure. Wait a few days and see if the names are released or if this all just becomes dust in the wind, that will be the tell.
David Drake sent me a link to a list of the names here,
I have been busy out in the garage.
The news on the radio said most are already released tonight or will be tomorrow.
here ya go
Fox is reporting just now in a “breaking news” flash during Levin that the 30 suspects are to be arraigned tomorrow, so perhaps this is not vapor ware after all
Khaki pants and blue top? Are they really that stupid to wear signs. Maybe.
And all wearing identical boots. Oh what a coincidence.
Not sure if everyone will laugh or throat punch someone after reading, if this isn’t proof the fibbies are orchestrating all these “events”, nothing is. FJB
The ALL look like they are fresh out of the FBI “boot camp” and were loaded up in that truck and sent off.
These guys glow so much you could see them from outer space.
Not a good neighborhood to start some shit. Back when BLM and ANTIFA were burning most cities they organized a raid on Coeur D’Alene and the locals came out to repel them. A remember a video of the locals walking around with guns just waiting for them, but they never showed.
Same thing happened in our little burg in Southwest Idaho when a raid to deface an old F-111 on display in a local park. The outsiders were met at their rally point by the Sheriff’s Office and instructed to depart back to where they came from as a large group of heavily armed local citizens were in the part ready to deal with them.
part = park (need more coffee).
I saw that when I approved the comment and could have edited it, I do with a couple of people that post here with their tacit approval… some people get a little bent when I do it so I don’t edit as a rule. Unless it is so bad that it becomes unreadable or doesn’t make sense and I can resuscitate it…
copy and paste from anonymous conservative dot com blog today
Patriot Front member was arrested in Idaho carrying a megaphone marked with “FBI” on it. FBI is not sending us their best. Or maybe not. It could be more interesting than that. Ask yourself if FBI could really be so stupid as to sent one of their fake terrorists to launch a false flag with a bullhorn labeled “FBI.” Now ask, what are the chances the media would just happen to get the perfect picture with FBI visible on that one piece of evidence, as an officer held it like that (not knowing if he might have been screwing up some legit FBI operation). And that is after this group was caught using FBI Law Enforcement only shields. I can’t imagine why somebody would run an op which is a possibly double-false-flagged FBI-false-flag, unless FBI does this much more professionally and would get away with it, and by doing it like this, somebody opposed to that is building the meme among everyone that FBI is not just doing it, but they are doing it so incompetently it is a joke, and everyone laughs about it. If so, then everything has become so fake we now have patriots faking that they are FBI agents who are faking domestic terrorist acts. Who would have thought. It would also explain why local PD would fuck up an FBI op. In my experience local PD is terrified of fucking with domestic intelligence, and if they encountered anything FBI, they would assume a legit operation and give courtesy to the agency.
The Kootenai County Sheriff’s Office released the names and photos of all Patriot Front suspects on Sunday.
I love it when the Fibbies shoot their own dicks off. With a shotgun.
“Dangerous extremists”… left cuffed just on their knees. Keeping their masks/hats/sunglasses. Nobody getting their pockets emptied. Some still with backpacks. While the cops are just standing around, some with their backs to the “prisoners”
Megaphone they got arrested with was from the FBI