27 thoughts on “We Have Been Waiting A Long Time For This

  1. You just know one of the plans is to have him assassinated. By a white guy using an AR platform rifle. (The details remain to be worked out though. Should the rifle be illegal? Or is it better for it to be registered? The former would aid in getting tougher laws. The latter would be more ambitious, aiming for an outright ban. That sort of thing.) Should the guy be a crazed lone wolf, or part of some organization? Can they drag out the “militia” bogeyman again, or do they have to invent a new threat? Important decisions. But no matter what, the murdering white guy will have a computer filled with racist and anti-Semitic propaganda.

    Not saying this will happen. In fact I think it’s low probability, but you just know that someone (an officially UNofficial person) is working up the plan and drafting a contingency OPORD.

  2. memes are already starting to appear. Tomorrow it is going to be MAGA meme city! One thing I saw in a video run down was that Trump kept talking about how the illegals are taking jobs from blacks and hispanic folks, he repeated this a couple of times. How about the illegals taking jobs from wye pee poe ? We, the Deplorables, are his biggest asset. I hope he doesn’t forget to mention us in the next debate (if there is one).

  3. I’m surprised they let the vegetable last this long…but the longer they could keep El Cid on the horse, the more destruction TPTB could cause. The Dems have wrung all they can out of the corpse, I wonder who’s up next?

  4. Watching last night’s “debate” makes me reconsider my stance on euthanasia; at least it would be a more humane way to get rid of that jackass.

    • Harris doesn’t know it yet, but she’s headed out the door too.

      I’m thinking they spring this surprise on her at the convention in Chicago.

      Me, I’m hoping for a repeat of the ’68 Convention.

  5. The debate showed that even with Biden drugged up that he was beyond useless. Biden could not answer questions without making mash of them and not being coherent. His eyes were fluttering just off the start and got worse.

    After the commercial break it was clear the dopped him up again as his eyes were now circles and he was more aggressive. Biden still had issues with answers and the truth. Nothing he said was making sense.

    • “No chemical enhancements during commercial breaks.”

      Is that going to have to be a New Rule for future debates?

  6. The socialist/commie democrat Leviathan feels a very human chill crawl up its spine today.
    Blood is in the water.

    • I’ll take Jail Bird over Biden any day, but would rather not have Trump either.
      The good candidates aren’t backed by Reptilian Inc., hence, no chance.

    • And one candidate shit his pants last night. You can hear it at 1:16:20, just after he says “too much money”

  7. I watched about 50 minutes. I just couldn’t stomach watching another minute of Bribem, the supposed “leader of the free world”(what a fucking joke) halting, stuttering, lost train of thought performance. It started as soon as he walked on stage approaching the podium he WAVED AT THE AUDIENCE. As we all know, there was no audience. about twelve minutes in, he froze for about 5-6 seconds trying to remember WTF he was talking about and then stumbled through the ending of his statement, never picking back up his original train of thought.

    Then, his voice, throughout the entire time I watched was weak. He sounded like an old person.

    If the press in this country were honest, they’d have opened the morning calling for the 25th Amendment, settling the who’s going to run for President for the Demonrats during the convention. Isn’t it fitting that the Demonrat nominating convention is being held in Chicongo this year, the scene of another debacle of a Demonrat national convention 56 years ago. This oughta be a barn burner.

  8. Geez what a shitshow. That appeared to be the real joe on stage. didn’t watch the circus but have seen a few of the highlights. the demos are beyond evil. they should put this guy in a rest home.

  9. Do you suppose that the real reason JB wasn’t replaced before the primaries as he should’ve is because the Powers that be want to pick their own man without the voters getting in the way?

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