20 thoughts on “We don’t need no stinking evidence!

  1. …despite the fact that twelve(12) men actually landed on the moon and returned to earth with good quality pictures, at least one of which is the earth rising above the lunar landscape, there are still doubters?


    We can have a conversation after any one of the rest of the countries and people trying to discredit those feats actually duplicate any of them.

    How many countries since have tried to land vehicles on the moon and FAILED spectacularly?

    In other words, FUCK YOU. Stronger message to follow.

  2. To the naysayers: Nasa left Five retroreflectors on the Moon by three crews. After Apollo 11 returned to Earth my Boy Scout pack visited the observatory where we were taught how to bounce a laser off of the reflector left by Buzz Aldrin. We had the timing clocks and were given the formula for figuring the distance between the observatory and the Apollo 11 reflector when we bounced the laser off of the reflector. That was worth a merit badge.

    • I was bouncing my OWN 5KW pulse laser off of the Moon in ’71, but didn’t have the timing equipment to get the distance down to the accuracy we now enjoy. I was usually off by a factor of ten.

      Lots of things I didn’t take into consideration, either. I won’t bore you.

  3. What if (and this is just wild speculation) the petrified wood we gave The Netherlands really is moon rock? How wrong would our supposedly settled science be then?

  4. The USSR never doubted that NASA had landed people on the moon. After all they tracked the trajectories and triangulated the transmissions from the astronauts on the moons surface. So they absolutely knew they were there. Unless of course you actually believe that in the 60s and 70s we had robotic technology that could site the retro reflectors exactly where NASA said it would, that could land and return and dock the lunar capsule, that could control voice transmissions a quarter of a million miles from earth remotely. Particularly when a computer of the day practically filled an entire room!
    Incidentally the retro reflectors were a perfect example of it because as everyone knows the USSR landed two rovers both equipped with reflectors. One of them malfunctioned and the Russians lost contact even though it continued roving. They searched for a decade with no success. However barely a decade ago it was located in images from the LRO. Both NASA and the Russians confirmed it’s position by bouncing lasers off the rover’s reflector. Knowing exactly where you put reflectors is a requirement for using them…..

  5. The landing sites are all on the side of the moon that faces Earth. They, along with the stuff left there like the lunar landers and moon buggies can easily be seen by anyone on Earth with a reasonably powerful telescope.

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