13 thoughts on “We Could All Be Wishing We Had One If The Lunatics Have Their Way

  1. yeah, that is why I moved to the hills of PA. far away from any nuke targets.
    and uphill from most people. most people will do anything besides walk up hill.
    plenty of water, good land for growing food. and when we get a good (?) cold winter, it drives out the assholes. one year it was in the teens and below for 2 weeks. that sucks, but a few city types put their places up for sale come spring.
    seems like it a cycle of that around here, people sell their place in jersey and buy a
    place here. come a bad winter and they sell out and leave for warmer spots.
    anyway, most of them have toys, boats and ATV’s. big screen tv’s and other junk
    but most of them do not keep any food to speak of in the houses that I have seen. I find that weird. 30 grand side by side ATV and the fridge is less than half full ? almost nothing on the shelfs ?
    maybe a few sporting rifles and maybe 4 boxes of ammo ?
    guess it how a person grows up. we always had food stored in the house as a kid growing up. mom had shelfs of it in the basement.

  2. Putin did the FAFO routine in Ukraine. he hasn’t done well at all. He has the 2nd best army in Ukraine.

    • Pal, I’d hate to have you help me bait a trotline. I ain’t the smartest ‘ol boy that shit between dyed socks, but I ain’t fallen for this!

    • yeah, right. just keep watching the news, you will be fine.
      just so you know, people who are winning do not blow up their stuff.
      just saying. the last time the Russians blew up a dam it was to keep it out of German hands back in 1941.
      but I guess they blew up their own pipeline too instead of just turning
      off the flow ?

  3. If you want to start a war the best timing is when the most powerful nation in the world has a corrupt POTUS in the white house: Crimea/2014, Ukraine/2022

  4. I’d hate to be sharing any such shelter with Cederq if there are any beans on the food shelves. You’d just open the door to get it over with!

  5. If that’s supposed to be a fallout shelter, it is not nearly deep enough below ground, is way too small, and looks to be on low ground where it might get flooded.

  6. its the proverbial “What hole in the ground did YOU crawl out of??” Hey, a man cave is a man cave as long as you get some peace from the naggers. :-0

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