6 thoughts on “We can do that.

  1. The Canucks turned bacon (rather than ham), pineapple and cheese on a pizza base into a gastronomic delight. Thank you, Canada.

  2. Why blame Canada? That’s like blaming Canada for poutine, or Canadian whisky. Sure, some Canadian whisky is rotgut, but there’s decent stuff to be had. I remember Maudite beer as being pretty good, and it’d kick your ass too. So have a Maudite with your slice of Hawaian pizza!

  3. What’s ironic about that is, the ‘Hawaiian’ isn’t even the ‘go to’ choice of pizza for a lot of Canadians, outside of little kids.

    That said, while I tend to prefer pepperoni and mushroom, I won’t say no to Hawaiian for the simple reason that it’s pizza.

  4. I’ll eat “Hawaiian” pizza (generally ham/Canadian bacon and pineapple, though sometimes with regular bacon added) but not generally as a first choice.

    Pepperoni and Italian Sausage, or Italian sausage and white onion (way better than red onion) are my two top choices for pizza if I’m ordering or making it. Will also do pepperoni/Italian sausage/white onion and green and/or red peppers all together as a “supreme”, but never any mushrooms, I absolutely can’t stand the damn things. Their flavor and spongy consistency makes me gag.

    Despite not being a huge fan, I really don’t get all the hate on pineapple as a pizza topping. Fuckers will eat slimy, salty ass anchovies, but pineapple is a mortal sin? Do come on now. Maybe I’ll order the pineapple pizza just to keep others from trying to steal it out from under me.

  5. Well, I STILL think pineapple and ham on pizza is a mental disease. But, to each his own.

    Since this thread seems to be leaning towards “my favorite pizza toppings”, mine are chicken and garlic(preferred) or green pepper and mushroom. I can usually get green pepper and mushroom by the slice at the local supermarket deli on Thursday. One other alternative is chicken and broccoli, which they usually have by the slice on Friday. Chicken and garlic, I have to order.

    Their pizza’s only come in one size, HHHUUUGGGEEE(18″). One slice(1/4 of their 18″ pie) makes two meals for me.

  6. I’ll just have a well done with cheese. Toppings are for salads, NOT pizza! If I want something else, I’ll have a salad on the side.

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