9 thoughts on “We can do it again! Ship back every one of the street shitters from where they came from.

  1. This is pretty simplistic, what with skipping that whole “Great Recession” thing in the 1930’s, and overlooking the impact on the economy of WWII, and then disregarding that after WWII the rest of the world’s economy was in ruins, leaving America rich, as the only place on the planet to buy manufactured goods like heavy equipment, cars airplanes, and factory machinery.


    • So just like the last few years up to this spring, condensed down like a TokTik version of 1924 thrrough 1965.

      This spring is not the Great Depression v3.0, but the worldwide-cosmopolitan money blowoff and long-pig run.

  2. Labor, like any other commodity, is valued according to its abundance or scarcity.

  3. It’s not just wages. It’s in-baked cultural attitudes. The subcontinent is plagued not just by street shitting. It’s plagued by people who think it’s normal and proper to profit from public office (meaning bribes, not salary). It’s plagued by nepotism and clan/religious/ethnic preferences. Sure we have corruption here too, but at least we pretend to be horrified by it. In India’s sunny clime it’s normal.

    Also, the amount of open hatred for whites (“the English”) is high. And don’t get me started on “rape culture”. It’s really fucked up there compared to here. We do not need more (or any) people who hate us and consider corruption normal behavior. Finally, these are not going to be people who are content to be engineers, or laborers or anything productive. They want to be CEOs and Senators. They are totally not shy about telling us how to run our country and our lives the minute they get off the plane. Supposedly an IT saying is “Indians are Jews without the charm.” (I’d add, also without the idealism many Jews have.)

    • Good analysis. Except for the street shitting I don’t see that much difference between us and the towel heads.
      Profit from public office? Mar a Lago has a cash register at the door. Trump (convicted fraudster) mixes his business and government like scotch and soda. The billionaire gifts are too numerous to list.
      Nepotism? So far 4 family member appointed to government jobs and a couple more in campaign jobs.
      Rape culture here starts at the top. Trump, Hegsheth, RFK Jr., Gates, Epstein.
      I want nothing to do with the street shitters either. However, except for a few hygiene issues they aren’t that different than the wealthy in this country.

      • Who are you calling “Us” paleface? I am nothing like you or towel heads, street shitters and niggers, sand or ghetto, same, same. I am not lefty or righty, I chart my own path, I am as independent as a goat on ice. I don’t take my marching orders from elite lefty progressive ass wipes. I told you I am watching you and getting real close to that ban button.

    • Thanks for the image. The meme creator forgot to add an ugly autonomous thermite bomb, a.k.a. a Tesla.

  4. Cederq, you blokes need a US Border Patrol/Immigration Dept. chief like the late Col. Charles Askins. He knew precisely how to treat border crossers that didn’t have the right attitude towards the USA, which primarily involved him drawing his Colt New Service .44-40 revolver.
    There, I fixed your immigration crisis for you, and I’m not even a Yank! Another method would be to officially billet each such street-shitter in the domicile of every registered Democrat, with them legally responsible for such immigrant until they’re in a legit job and a taxpayer too.

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