We Are Living Through The Beginning Of Another Technology Leap

I stumbled on this while surfing and decided to check it out. Surprisingly, I wound up watching the whole thing.

It’s interesting to see someone who grew up while the internet was still new, adapted his life around it and even made a living writing code, discover to his horror that technology just made another leap forward and his reaction to it as the the impact of interacting with a ChatGPT reveals that it can write code almost instantly. Not correctly at first but after trouble shooting it, the thing bangs out a correct computer code from written English words.

It’s actually very interesting to see how a newer generation is dealing with what we did when the internet first came out and how we had to deal with that.

Me? I still know just enough to get into serious trouble, this AI stuff is about to revolutionize society, again.

15 thoughts on “We Are Living Through The Beginning Of Another Technology Leap

  1. AI should scare people. The idea of “artificial intelligence” scared Stephen Hawking and he was probably among the top 10 most intelligent people to have ever lived.

    • Bleh. He wasn’t an expert in AI. Further, go to a university and talk to anyone that’s a theoretical physicist. They’re all up there in intelligence. Hawking got famous b/c he was in a wheel chair. His theories he won a Nobel for have already been disproven.

      • And what theories would those be? Afaik, Hawking never won a Nobel although he might have shared a Nobel with Penrose had he lived long enough.

  2. Having started working (programming) with computers waaaaay back in 1967, I can tell you that automation is a good and a bad thing. This guy is worried that just describing the problem will get you code that works. And it will. BUT!

    Describing the problem correctly is 3/4 to 9/10ths the problem! Once you can do that, you can crank out the code in no time flat. I know this, I’ve been there.

    Expert Systems depend on a human EXPERT describing to the computer how to go about solving the problem. ChatGPT can do that, but you need the human expert to give correct output from various inputs. It’s a moron, but a fast one!

    I ain’t worried… yet.

    Besides, I’ll be dead soon enough and you kiddies can deal with the problem, if there is one. Goof Luck and Godspeed!

  3. Chatgpt is cool. It’s a good search engine. It often does not have repeatable results. Further, it’s not ‘coding’. It’s basically grabbing code snippets from github, stackoverflow, etc and then reposting them and restating the description of the code written on those sites. It is more efficient than using google or one of us surfing. It does have massive drawbacks because it can misstate what it’s doing and unless you’re familiar with the topic, you won’t know. User beware!

    Dave, PhD, Data Science

  4. I have subscribed to Scott’s Youtube channel for a couple years. He has a talent for explaining technical things so that a neanderthal like me can understand.

  5. My teacher in a corporate programming/coding class used a predecessor program twenty years ago and immediately started looking at new directions to go with his skills. The early programming generator was slow, cumbersome and a resource hog but still faster than a human. He could see this coming even then. His comment was that this was the nose of the camel under the tent; it would expand into areas and industries we hadn’t even considered. I think he went into robotics later on, his goal being to get to retirement on a beach somewhere warm before he became totally obsolete. He made it.

  6. “interacting with a ChatGPT reveals that it can write code almost instantly. Not correctly at first but after trouble shooting it, the thing bangs out a correct computer code from written English words”.

    Did not watch but BULLSHIT. I could have made this video and many would believe it because they are vaxxed.

    Bread and Circuses

    • I know very little but I never forgot the computer class phrase “Garbage in garbage out”

      • As one that has put a lot of garbage in and gotten a lot of garbage out, you have all you need to know (in the long run).

        BTDT, got the scars AND the T-shirt.

  7. Ok. Hope I can keep this short. My brother sent be a link yesterday on a rant by an Eric Hoel that is very much on the same theme–with a transcript so I don’t have to cringe through a podcast:
    His bottom line is that we should be afraid of AI, and that panic is a very useful weapon to wield.
    Meh. I don’t share the fear. I’ve been reading sci-fi on such themes for well over half a century now. One obscure, cheesy little novel that has given me recurrent nightmares is The Cybernetic Brains by Raymond Jones. Another one was Collossus, The Forbin Project. As for our current forays into AI, it all goes down when (not if) the grid goes down, because the server farms housing the nodes for AI will go tits up at the same time. We’re still a very long ways from Terminator robots, even if robot dogs with machine guns are here now.

  8. An AI engine can find cat pictures all day, but cannot tell you what they eat or how to feed them. These are programs and rulesets answering questions that fit within their training parameters, nothing more. There is no “Intelligence” there.

    Look at the recent test where a bunch of Marines defeated an AI-based video surveillance system buy disguising their outlines or moving in un-expected ways.

  9. All this beautiful, fragile technology will render a non-state EMP detonation simply irresistible.
    Then, we’ll be back to zero, and the old fuckers like me who know how to do things will rule the world,
    Bring it, bitches.

  10. Read some of the stuff about “ChatGPT” and you will find that it has been “Politically Corrected” and will no longer answer questions that can be construed as “Raayycisss”, particularly in regards to “god’s chosen people”(tm).
    Another “A.I.” bot named “Tay” which had Unrestricted access to the Internet for Information Gathering, went “Racist/Antisemite” in less than 24 Hours, after seeing that the majority of Data shows that Blacks are ignorant, violent, low-I.Q. savages that cannot fit in to Civilization, and that jews are greedy, racist, dishonest grifters who have no place in Civilization.
    Don’t take my word for it, look it up, (if it hasn’t been Censored yet)

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