We are being scammed and it has been going back decades.

When I was a charge nurse at a Portland hospital, I was assigned a dot-indian to train as my assistant charge nurse. While assessing her skills and education during the interview I had her “college” grade transcript and noted that her education was only on par for an LPN nurse(1 year) not the 2 year nursing education required for an RN. The position required a BSN degree, but could be waived for extensive relevant experience and OJT training. She was 24 years old, not enough nursing experience. I found out nurses in india are not required to have a state board examination and licensing like you do here. I brought this up with the administration and was told to ignore and proceed with training her. Her skill level was just above a motivated and bright CNA… After a couple of months trying to train her to a a level she could help run a med unit I overheard her discussing with a couple of other foreign born nurses that she was being trained to eventually be a charge nurse of med/surg unit and that “white” nurses were going to be replaced.

All this time I had been carefully documenting this training, her and the other foreign nurses assessments and reviews and when I heard this bomb shell made an appointment with the hospital administrator and showed up with copies of all my documentation and my lawyer. I explained that I had already filed formal complaints with the five hospital accreditation agencies, the Oregon Health Authority and State Board of Nursing that the hospital was replacing highly skilled nurses with low wage scabs. That I would bring suit to halt this practice. I also informed all the staff on my unit and other units of the hospital’s plan, it didn’t go over well. After two months of tense negotiating and threatened walk outs by hospital staffing and getting the area doctors involved the hospital reversed itself and stopped hiring H1-B nurses. I was not retaliated against or threatened by firing, but they made it uncomfortable. I also had the dot-indian reassigned to the aide department and a couple of the other questionable foreign nurses quit because they knew they could not provide additional documentation to prove their competence and skills to continue at their jobs.

I borrowed this from Tactical Hermit. True Americans need to stand up and refuse service and shun these invaders. There are Americans that will do the job that “they” say we won’t. First you need to stop government support of lazy, fully capable adults and stop subsidizing them and college students. Student loans and grants were available when I was in college, I earned two masters degrees and paid for them myself, No, I didn’t fly to Bermuda or tour Europe and get drunk or high. I lived in a studio apartment, drove a 10 year old Toyota pickup and ate a lot of cheese sammichs.

14 thoughts on “We are being scammed and it has been going back decades.

  1. It starts with the local managers & HR folks that hire immigrants. So what is needed to make them see the point.

    Has some old men long ago tell me about during the depression, if a manager hired a worker from another or county he’d be beaten by the local men that were passed over for that job.

    That was a time of no subsidized soft men. Just hungry men with a need to feed their families.

    Folk now just ain’t hungry enough I reckon.

  2. AT&T loves the Indians. Called tech support about an internet problem and you’ll get someone in India. You don’t know if what they’re saying is helping you are not because you can’t understand what they are saying. And did you know that most telemarketer calls with spoofed phone numbers come from India. That’s just a coincidence, I’m sure.

  3. yeah. used to do MRI and was asked (?) to train a few clowns. one was Iranian asshole and some Russian bitch. boy. did they ever fuck up !
    they filmed the wrong patient. YUP. their scans didn’t turn out so, THEY PUT THEIR PATIENTS NAME ON A SCAN I DID BEFORE THEM. and filmed it. gave a copy to the patient to take to their doctor. all they did was changed the name on the scan. not the time or operator. funny that ? and that is what got me off the hook. the time stamp. their patient was done 3 hours after I was gone for the day. after that fuck up, anytime I left, I changed the operator on it.
    not sure what all happened after the doctor realized he was looking at the wrong
    scans for his patient. but they where sweating bullets there for a few days.
    the head shed was freaking out. lawyers where there and the whole clown show.
    I wasn’t worried as I figured they fuck up something sooner or later and made plans to cover my ass if anything did happen. I was right.
    I had quit already because of shit like this. but their whole health care system/company went under inside of 6 months after it.
    kind of like the manger clown that wanted me to scan a person with a pacemaker
    installed (??) another dot head hire. I told her let me know when he in coming in so I can be somewhere else ! she said, “just push him in slow and you be fine”
    I shit you not. BTW. you NEVER let a person with a pacemaker anywhere near a damn MRI machine. she didn’t last too long either.
    we have to face the fact that companies will always try to cheap out on staff and anything else that they can get away with. after all. they in it to make money.
    and paying you top dollar is not how they make it.
    now here a thought. how about we start teaching shit the right way and keep all of the bullshit out of the class room ? we really need to get rid of the Dept. of ED. and the damn teachers union !

  4. Holy shit, you’re a damn hero! Or maybe JUST an old school, honorable American.
    Either way, good to know you in this new light. It’s too bad there aren’t tens of thousands more of “you” in the medical system.
    You have probably given some past history on yourself, but either I got here late or missed it. You don’t owe me anything, but I’m curious as to why you’re out of the system. Nurses in Tennessee seem to be making bank after the Covidiocy reduced the Dr/nurse ranks. Thank you for your service.

  5. not that bad yet. just retired with a busted back. got fed up with the for profit side of
    medical work and started at the VA. at times, even worse. there are two kind so workers at the VA. ones that care for the old guys and try like hell to help them
    and the “clock watchers” as I call them. they put in their time doing as little as they can. bad part is there is a lot of them ! and chances are a crap shoot with the doctors too. some are really great. others not so much. and some should be hung in the square ! I lived and worked by a simple code. treat patients like they are family. unless they are a real asshole. seen too many of them over the years too.
    never got fired from any place and could always go back if I wanted too.
    funny part was walking into the VA one day after I retired and had a patient come up and ask me why I not working upstairs anymore. he said it took forever to get a scan done now. on the shift I worked, we did on average 10-12 patients in 8 hours. after I left, it was down to 6-8 per shift. funny how that shit works ?

  6. There are only 600 k H1B visa holders in the US, clearly the system needs to be improved, but we can’t let this be the issue that derails approaching the elephant in the room which is the 40 million non documented illegals in our country today – most with no skills at all. To get a work permit in Canada or the UK, employers have to prove the immigrant’s skills are critical and can’t be obtained in the domestic market – seems a simple fix. The visa’s also should come with a cost equal to the offered salary, charged annually. There has to be a cost to the employer as well as a prompt to our society for not preparing for the needed workforce.

    • Agreed. I work in meat packing plant territory. Number one on my list is eliminating Medicaid of any kind…especially for procreation and ongoing support of offspring. Toinclude WIC and food stamps.

  7. The problem with dot heads, is when they move into management positions, they only hire/promote other dot heads, changing the culture, creating a hostile work environment, lowering quality and productivity, for less pay. Other than that, they’re great.

    • ^^^^This. \

      Then there’s this that was posted yesterday on CFP among several articles on the H1-B program.


      Apparently there are a whole bunch of India based recruitment companies operating here that only supply Indians for job postings that they receive from other American companies. ALL of the big tech companies use these Indian based companies to supply their H1-B workers and the workers they supply ONLY come from India.

      Oh, and these Indians work cheap.

  8. https://freerepublic.com/focus/news/4286894/posts?page=59

    Trump used to be against them and now he supports them. Since he doesn’t need your vote anymore he’s going after the big $$$ from the BBC (billionaire boys club).

    As bad as the demonrats are, you know where they stand and what they are going to try to do. Better the enemy you know than a policy shape shifter.

  9. Dammit CederQ, my hat’s off to ya – wish there were another few hundred thousand like ya! If’n ya ever head way South, I guarantee ya won’t hafta buy a beer!!

    Y’all take care,
    Mike in FLA.

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