We Are About To See The Two Tiered Justice System Rubbed Right In Our Faces

Mark my words they are going to let these Commie Leftist Asshole protesters walk away from overrunning the Capitol while over a hundred J6er’s still sit rotting in jail.

I noticed none of them got shot point blank in the neck already.

No tear gas, no DC cops instigating violence and no riot gear.

The Point of No Return approaches at light speed.

7 thoughts on “We Are About To See The Two Tiered Justice System Rubbed Right In Our Faces

  1. I must have missed that story but where can I send volumes of support to finish the job

  2. All these foreign flags being flown in the capital building blm, palastein, preu, Mexican, Columbian. Now is the time to fly that Glorious Battle Flag of the Confederate States the FBI would be alk over you ass and pegging you a racks

  3. and just what do you call the Biden crime family ?
    one thing I do not understand is why ? unless they have dirt on a lot of other powerful assholes we don’t know about ?

  4. You’re damn right! Did you see those terrorists enter the capitol without tactical gear? How disrespectful! Then they threatened the peace by singing KUMBAYA!. None of the cretins broke a window or even punched a cop. A few had the unmitigated gall to not shit on the floor so they had no feces to wipe on the wall! They are scum!

  5. With all of the foreign flags being displayed in the Capital Building blm flags ,Hamass, Palestinians Time for us rechecked to get out The Glorious Battle flag of the Confederate States.

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