17 thoughts on “Wanna bet that is the VP this time?

  1. WOW – That would be the dream team! The General has proven through 4 years of hell that he is no sessions, barr, pence, Quisling. I’d bet that Don Jr & the rest of the family / really trusted advisors agree.
    In fact it was reported that Don II whispered to Eric, “NH can eat my shorts”. (not sure what that means, supposedly an old Penn Quaker (pre commie days) phrase).

    • ..I think the eat my shorts comment came from RINO Sununu’s endorsement of Nikki, who the press is reporting as “surging” in NH polls. How the “surging” is possible after her numerous misspeaks over the last two weeks is incomprehensible. Her latest, ” “migrants” shouldn’t be called illegal aliens. It’s demeaning. They’re just looking for a better life for themselves and their families”.

      Sound familiar? Those are Yeb! Bush’s almost exact words from the 2016 campaign that sunk him. His poll numbers cratered after that brilliant statement.

      The Nikki “surge” is wishful drinking.

      Any “poll” can be manipulated to say anything the poller or whoever is paying for the poll wants it to say. I don’t even know why they bother any more, other than to try to dupe the gullible.

      The real polls are pics of the crowds at the various candidates rallies. That’s why they don’t show crowd pics anymore in the MSM.

      We’ll know, unequivocally what the real polls say in 11 and 13 days.

      • The Uniparty is trying so hard to make Haley happen. She sucked as governette in SC and she’s all for illegals even increasing funding for social services for them while in office.

        • Nimrata’s parents were not yet citizens when she was born in 1972, making her ineligible for the office. More smoke-n-mirrors by the Professional Governance Implanters.

  2. I would like to think that Flynn, a man who has more than paid his dues, is going to be Trump’s backstop. I am sure that there is an immense pressure being put on Trump to accept a RINO for VP to appease the swamp.

    • Methinks The Swamp being appeased is the LAST thing The Donald is considering.

      Just sayin’.

  3. To Hell with the Swamp. If nothing else, Trump’s 1st term flushed out many RINO confirmations when it came to floor votes to ‘shit or get off the pot’. A RINO is worse than the Left. The Left at least tells you out loud they don’t like you and will vote against your interests. RINOs smile and tell you they got your back, only to stick a knife into it. A wasted vote for someone who had your support and trust.

    If you intend on not voting Trump, that is your right. But you should go to polls anyway and vote out any RINO that is on your ballot.

  4. Appease the swamp!? Screw appeasment and screw the RINOS!
    AMERICA first!!
    My dark feeling however is that we are not going to see another election in 2024.
    The evil left will stop at NOTHING to stop Trump, unless WE THE PEOPLE, do something NOW!!!
    It lwill very soon be too late for niceities

  5. I suppose I’ll be the wet blanket here. If voting really meant anything, the Swamp wouldn’t let you do it. All these “polls” are so much bread and circuses for the normies who still watch mass media. So go ahead and watch this drivel if you want to, as long as you realize it’s for entertainment purposes only. Are you not entertained?

    • Exactly. Trump got a couple of good things done. The rest has been what the Dems have wanted to do anyway (bump stock ban, etc.). He is controlled opposition. I voted for him in 2016, but I can’t do it again. I may just write in “Jesus of Nazareth”, since there are no good choices on either side.

      • Yep, he never owned up to fucking up on the vaxxx. Write in Jesus, even a random Mexican would be better than a swamp critter.

    • There will undoubtedly be a selection in November. Just like there was four years ago. The open question is whether there will be an election to accompany it. 😉

  6. I’m going with no election. The cheating was blatant enough last time and it would have to be 5 times as massive this time. They’re not going to risk the appearance of i illegitimacy. Or maybe I’m wrong and they just don’t give a shit.

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