8 thoughts on “Vicious little buggers, I know…

  1. God did us a grace when He didn’t make Chihuahuas the size of Rottweilers!

  2. I’m wondering if Cederq doesn’t leave the keyboard logged-in to the admin and unsupervised, while he’s out looking for desperate Salvation Army chicks? It would explain a few things.

  3. Barking rats. They’re aggressive, most of them, because they are small. They’re the honey badger of the dog/people world.

  4. Parents just got 2 Yorkie puppies. Been 3 months, they still shit in the house, usually right next to the open dog door and as an added bonus, now they bark at EVERYTHING All. The. Time. They’ve got a great glide ratio when ya kick ’em though and they also managed to bring out my Irish Setters angry side. : ) Otis HATES those little rodent fucks almost as much as I do.

  5. One of my neighbors has three. I’ve made friends with them and if they’re out they come running out jumping around in circles to get petted when I walk by. They are hilarious and they get all mad at each other over who gets the most attention.

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