6 thoughts on “Vaccines, Tetanus, why I refuse them, you should think very carefully when asked by a doctor to receive one.

  1. Dad got caught up in the Doctor Draft after Korea. He was a guest of the Marines at Camp LeJune where I was born. He said that WWII was the vaccine trial for tetanus. Every single solder, sailor and airman was given the vaccine. Only a handful of people serving got the vaxx. After the war, the looked into those few cases. They had all convinced the medic that they had just had the shot before joining.

    I am as anti-vaxx as they come, but still open to evidence.

  2. To start with NO vaccine is 100% safe for everyone. There is ALWAYS a tiny chance of an adverse or even fatal reaction. However the risk from the vaccine for MOST diseases is significantly less than the risks from the disease it’s intended to prevent. The latest mRNA vaccines being pushed are NOT included in those considered well tested and safe. They are too new and too untested and should never have been released for general use. Older vaccines like Tetanus/Diphtheria/Pertussis, Polio and Smallpox were WELL understood and had a very low level of risk. As for getting a tetanus vaccine? You should…at least as a child. Because the Clostridium Tetani bacteria can and does kill people who are unvaccinated. And it’s a HORRIBLE death. If you were vaccinated as a child and boosted as an adult evidence indicates you may not need continuing boosters. Your immunity is probably adequate. But do NOT mistake the current issue with “Covid vaccines” with the benefits from those intended to treat diseases that have LONG been dangerous and fatal to humans.
    Being automatically 100% anti vaccine for ALL vaccines is just as stupid as blindly accepting any and all recommendations from the now corrupt FDA and it’s coconspirators.

  3. On my last Pri Care 6 month check, they told me that I needed a Tetanus booster as my last one was about ten years ago. I think that makes at least 6 times I’ve had that jab.

    Assuming that I live another ten years, which will put me well into my 80’s, I think I’m done with that one.

    Why is it that the smallpox, diphtheria, pertussis and other vax’s last a lifetime but the tetanus vax lasts only ten years? Anyone smell $?

    One other thing. I read a story some time ago that smallpox has been eliminated world wide. Does that mean that the smallpox vax is no longer necessary since the disease is no longer found in humans?

  4. I suspect a reason for decline in cases is that so few US citizens are exposed to conditions that generate tetanus infections anymore. Barnyard conditions are where they generally occur. Animal feces contaminated soil. Rusty farm equipment.

    We are urban city dwellers by and large now. Most farmers I know get tetanus boosters.

  5. I’m not anti vax; I’ve had many over the years, from the sugar cube polio some sixty odd years ago to my latest, the Shingrix for shingles that I got just before the Covid scamdemic. But now that our trust in the medical system has been utterly destroyed, I’m not sure that I’ll get anything more, opting instead to maintain and boost my immune system as best I can.
    Thanks Dan for the comments regarding Tetanus “boosters”. I’ve been wondering about that for awhile now. And yes, just more unreferenced allegations on the interwebs, but I think it very plausible. One of Kunstler’s ‘pockyclips novels has a vivid description of a young girl dying of untreated Tetanus, and it is indeed an ugly way to go.
    My biggest objection to the mRNA business is that they are in no way a vaccine at all, and it was shenanigans by the CDC that called them that. I wish the responsible medical community would stop calling them that. Just as the Wuhan flu was renamed “Covid 19” for political reasons, we are now watching and waiting for the next bioweapon to be unleashed on us. Already have my Ivermectin and supplements stockpiled.

  6. In memory of Nancy Reagan I’m going to treat the jab like drugs and just say NO! FJB.

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