Unrelenting Insanity OPEN THREAD

It’s been a while and it’s overdue.

I don’t know about anybody else but I can’t keep up with the firehose of absolute insanity that has been flooding this timeline.

Every fucking day there is something new that causes me to shake my head in disbelief.

What are you guys thinking and does anyone have any advice on how to deal with this bullshit?

Let it rip in the comments.

49 thoughts on “Unrelenting Insanity OPEN THREAD

    • Look no further than who Oregon’s governor is.

      Lesbian Leftists have the monopoly on the intelligence to save the world, don’t you know.

      I’d tell you a little story about Oregon’s previous ‘bisexual’ governor, but you probably wouldn’t believe me if I did.
      Hint: It has to do with who was calling the ‘shots’ in the assasination of LaVoy Finicum and how their cooperation advanced their careers and feathered their pensions.

      Oregon is in a race to the bottom with California, and they’re running neck and neck.

  1. I think the best could have action is to fully embrace the knowledge that this shit-house of cards is coming down. Once you immerse yourself in this conclusion, you no longer need pay attention to the daily grind of stupid. It’s just “details”, not worth your time.
    Save all your energy for getting ready.

    • yeah. figured that out a while back. there not much I can do to change things other than to get myself and few others ready for when it all goes to shit. so, keep stocking up what you can.
      save what you can. forget about keeping cash. that is not going to last the way they printing and giving it away. just use what you have to get and hold items or stuff you going to want or need.
      having a few trade items will help when the dollar goes go bust though. not a matter of if anymore but more like when.

      • I agree, just having finished reading the book Patriots. When the barter society starts again, small silver coins, and ammunition traded well, but gold wasn’t as useful.
        Good book if you haven’t read it

        • US silver coins that were minted 1964 and earlier are 90% silver (dimes, quarters, half-dollars, and dollars). They are called “junk silver” but there’s nothing junk about them. The real junk is coins minted after 1964, alloy clad crap that has very little, if any, silver content.

  2. Best thing to do now is keep watching and be ready to lock the doors when that day arrives, and do what is necessary for survival, there’s no way to fix it at this point.

  3. If you haven’t already stocked up on food, water, ammo, and silver, there might be a little time left to do so. Prepare to hunker down, not bug out, and get to know your neighbors… who you can trust and who you can’t. Survival will be a community function, no Rambos will make it. Brush up on firemaking skills, water purification techniques, and finding edible foods in the woods, etc.

    I can’t stop what’s coming, all I can do is prepare for it.

  4. What us up with Oregon waging war on residents, farmers, and homesteaders? How many states will follow suit?

  5. Well, it is my observation, standing on the outside of this mess and looking in, is to keep myself exactly where I am at, on the outside, looking in.  I was in my late 20s-early 30s before I understood what my father was going on about. (He would have been 100 this year.)  Ain’t nothing you can do about the assholes at the top of the dung pile except get yourself mentally and hopefully physically as far to the edges of the dung pile as possible. I’m old, I’m sick, and I’m tired.  All I can do is refuse to cooperate with the stupidity.  Whatever the person who delivered you put on the birth certificate is what your gender is, and No, I’m not going to indulge your mental health issues.  Don’t like it, then stay the hell away from me.

  6. Latest: Trump talks about a “bloodbath in auto makers profits” if he’s not elected due to Chinese imports. Media reports it as “bloodbath if Trump not elected”.

    TDS is real.

    • Article on Zerohedge today that suggests that Trump will be allowed to win for Pres.

      Evil Franklin

  7. Since April of 2020, the price of groceries in Canada have jumped an AVERAGE of over 200%. Chicken was $2.97/lb – now over $7; a fucking can of Spam was $1.70 – now $6.37.
    I am willing to trade recipes with meat from Liberal humans. Yes, I know they are almost impossible to clean, but tough times call for drastic measures.

    • This may well be the best, most all encompassing advice I’ve read in a long time. A time may come when we will all have to do things outside our normal comfort levels. Get over it and move on.

      A tip of my beer to you, Sedition.

  8. Do what you can to harden where you are right now. Face it, you’re not going anywhere when things go sideways. Seriously upgrade the locks, add hard steel reinforcing to door frames and hinge points. Take a real good hard look at how you’d approach if you’re trying to be stealthy about it and take those advantages away. Then get your TRUSTED buddy to do the same. They’ll see things you won’t, guaranteed. Make it HARD to get in ‘cause I’m here to tell ya, the have nots are gonna show up with murder & theft on their tiny minds. Make anything you add as unobtrusive as you can… Nothing says “I got stuff” like a house that looks like a fortress, sounds like a generator or smells like a barbeque. Know the distance to easily recognizable, in both light and darkness, points along any ingress path and where your firearm of choice hits at those distances…first shots are gonna have to count. Sucks very much ass that this shit is happening and we have to even think about any of this…

  9. My biggest concern right now is the total lack of accountability for all these military age migrants that we know about, and the ones who we have no clue on.
    I’m less concerned about south and central American and more concerned about the African,Asian and Middle Eastern passers through coming from both south out of Canada, and north through Mexico.
    Where are they,why are they in this country, and who are they reporting to,and receiving instructions from?
    I am curious when they will get the “Go Signal” and will their coordination be greater than ours?

  10. One can only be as prepared as your mind will allow. There is no way to say how you will act in a given situation and there is no way to practice facing a real time life or death situation. Prepare your mind and the body will follow.
    Know your home. Go outside and look in at different times of the day and night and get used to what it looks like assuming that you have been forced out and are now about to take it back. Know where the shadows come from. Range your distances from nearby cover. Set booby traps to prevent entry and to support your assault later if necessary.
    Know your neighbors. Know what you can expect from them. Share what you need to of information on area, terrain, support plans, etc.. Practice a response drill, you running to their house for cover and them running to you.
    Know your neighborhood. Where are there sympathizers and where are there those who will need to be removed sooner than later. Know it well.
    Know your tribe. Who can you count on when the place goes hot. Who can you count on to help bury the bodies.
    Most importantly, know your limits. If you have never killed a rabbit for meat don’t expect to be able to take on the local bully. You will lose. Know your strengths and weaknesses and make sure you have a plan on how to use the one and avoid the other.
    Stay safe and keep your muskets handy. We’re going to need them sooner than later.

  11. The “unrelenting” is part of the plan – get everyone acclimated, and fatigued, to the point where folks either stop paying attention, or still do but end up just shrugging. I helps to foster a sense of inevitability.

    Sorry, I have no answers – sure wish I did. Only thing I can offer is do what you can to ride out the storm.

  12. “I’m just going (name your pleasure) this weekend. Be back Sunday night.”
    Then Murphy takes over Sunday morning.

    Got a business trip this week. Have to fly.
    Oops, it’s a United flight on a Boeing plane.

    Did you bring your stuff? Can you get to it? Can you use it?
    Are you prepped for where you are because you’re not where you expected to be?

    Prep all you want (I do) but realize what you’re most prepared for likely won’t happen; what you’re least prepared probably won’t happen either.

    God, the Fates, and Murphy will dictate what and who survives and under what conditions.

    At seven PM the main hatchway caved in
    He said, “Fellas, it’s been good to know ya.”
    Does anyone know where the love of God goes
    When the waves turn the minutes to hours?

    Tick-tock, tick-tock.

    • THIS^^^

      All the prepping in the world will not stop you facing our HOLY LORD.

      It would be BEST for you to examine your heart, and get right with Him.

      Receive Christ into your heart and follow(obey) His teachings.

      Read ALL of Romans 3. A very religious man comes to term with Jesus.

  13. This isn’t uncontrolled chaos, accidental mayhem. This is The Long Plan of (((Theirs))) coming to fruition, The Great Reset. It’s a combination of external enemies and internal traitors. According to Their chiseled in Georgia Guidestones, (((They))) need to retain 500 million for maintaining a “sustainable” service/slave population . The rest are useless eaters to be allowed to die of their own ignorance and inattention (and helped to die faster, along the way). Reread the wise and knowledgeable comments above.
    Harden your heart for The coming Troubles and for those that need to be dealt with harshly, while keeping the Lords Love and Word in your heart/mind for those deserving. Good fortune to us, we’re going to need it.

  14. Dig your holes before you need them. You don’t want to be doing it while your body is surging with adrenaline.

    AND GOD.

    your pal

    *silver actually,
    nobody wants to hand over a gold ounce,
    when it’s worth 3 thou for a single chicken.

    • You can get gold 1/10th pieces. They, for some reason, are in mighty short supply. The Canadian Mint makes a lot of them – or they DID…
      I wonder why.

  15. Stock up. Network. Plan. Practice.

    If you have people at home, make sure they know what to do or have some form of instruction (and where to find said instruction).

    Network. You don’t have enough hours, enough eyes, enough hands or enough energy.

    For your network, who is covering what? Are they holding up their end?

    Know several routes home, including that one you know you could do but it’s way the hell roundabout. Drive those routes.

    What’s the plan for Fido?

    Know your gear. If you don’t have ready facilities to practice, at least RTFM.

    Goddamn it’s cold. How do you keep things warm?

    Goddamn it’s hot. How do you keep things cool?

    What’s your plan for your vehicle(s)?

    If there is some form of disaster/unrest are you still going to work?

    Know your limitations and work within them.

    Just because someone is a friendly and thinks the way you do doesn’t mean their people are friendly and think the way you do.

    If you don’t know your neighbors at least be able to identify them and their vehicles.

    Keep your head on a swivel.

  16. Stock up on coffee and your spirit of choice. Find a solid position where they can’t sneak up on you, sit back and watch the shit show as it circles around you and sip your coffee and spirits as needed. Nobody gets out of this life alive, so find your enjoyment where you can, take time for an occasional (nobody likes a whiner) prayer and try not to be part of the problems. Yes, you will need the bullets, Band-Aids, food and shelter. No long faces, why a person might think this is serious..

  17. The ‘firehose’ of insanity is deliberate. One of the many tactics the criminals in power use to try and overwhelm, distract and exhaust the citizenry. Sadly, to a
    great extent this tactic is working. Most of us are busy trying to keep our heads
    above water while the evil elite have plenty of time and hired help to keep piling on the BS.

  18. No hazmats in the I95 and I895 tunnels. So i695W is the only option other than surface streets.
    Port closed until further notice. Likely weeks/months as the wreckage is removed.

    Rush hour gonna suck……

  19. The current bingo card has been overcome by events. Need to reprint with a set of more imaginative events.

  20. There’s an article at Zerohedge that suggests that Trump will be allowed win.
    Remember, even if he does he can’t fix things over night.
    The elite’s, dem’s and left are all preparing to make his next term even more difficult than his first.

    Evil Franklin

  21. Shit isn’t getting worse. The veil that was hiding it all is just being lifted more and more. Truth is coming to light.
    On a scale of “ankle length skirt” to “micro mini skirt”, we’re at the lower calf area of the reveal and the reveal is accelerating.

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