UK police commissioner threatens to extradite, jail US citizens over online posts: ‘We’ll come after you’

‘Being a keyboard warrior does not make you safe from the law’ the police commissioner warned

Video link:

Fuck this marionette. You think we are going to go willingly? You realize you pompous ass that we have a Constitution(as much as it is) that protects us with our First Amendment Rights of free speech?

32 thoughts on “UK police commissioner threatens to extradite, jail US citizens over online posts: ‘We’ll come after you’

  1. not to mention 2A constitutional law and state castle doctrine laws. come get you some !

  2. Limey Leftard is doing what Leftards do. Threaten to take your guns.


  3. ” You realize you pompous ass that we have a Constitution(as much as it is) that protects us with our First Amendment Rights of free speech?”

    We do?
    Not when democrats ‘win’ again this November.

  4. We really stopped caring about what Britain wants about, oh, say, some time in 1775, then we sent Britain a veritable FAFO ultimate break-up letter in 1776.

    So, Britain, who we’ve saved in 1917, 1939, during the Falklands War and many other times, too, why should we give a shit what you think?

    Keep this up and we’ll send the Ginger Idiot and his halfrican bitch back.

  5. WE kicked the shit out of you once, and will kick the shit out of you again ya tea sippin’ ‘ FUCKTARD. Stay on yer side of the pond with the rest of the pussies.

  6. Eh. This Commissioner jackass represents the normal Briton as much as Pedo Joe, or Hawk Tuah Harris, or Merrick Garland, or Rachel (Dick) Levine (you get the idea) represents the normal American. Or Fidelito Trudeau represents the normal Canadian.

    Tell Commish Asshole to carry on sucking circumcised dicks, by all means, but no need (and no point) slagging England. And don’t give me that “but they voted for him!” bullshit. Did WE vote for Biden? Or powerful culture wreckers like Larry Fink and Bob Eisner for that matter?

    • Interesting issue. If drinking is a crime in Saudi Arabia, but not here, me drinking here doesn’t break Saudi law, because the venue is different than me drinking there. The coverage of the law ends at the national border.
      If Britain has laws about what constitutes “hate speech” (don’t get me started) on line, but we do not, then Anon posting on line from US or UK is operating in the same venue, and is technically breaking UK law. The law then either applies evenly to all in that venue or differently to different people.
      The former is untenable as then e.g. NoKorea could implement draconian laws, and arrest and execute everyone.
      A bit like California emissions laws driving everyone else’s car design…..
      The alternatives are odd too. Accept the status quo where Johnny Appleseed has the right to say something on a thread while John Bull cannot for fear of arrest.
      Instigate an international governing body for trans national things like Internet….aaargh see NoKorea argument, and it is more government.
      Segment Internet along national lines….nope.
      The only real answer is to recognize the right to free speech, which means accepting that speech you dont agree with is still allowed, and stop using weasel shit Orwellian language to try to control people.

      Seriously, the UK police chief’s statement is concerning; as our posting history on line is accessible and although they would most likely not try to extradite, it does mean we could be arrested if we go to UK for what is legally protected free speech here.
      What about former UK citizens who have become US citizens? Does the UK still have some hooks in them? I understand that they consider you a Brit regardless of any other citizenship (just like the US btw).

      • How does law apply?
        1. Only within the geographic bounds of the state that defined it, but to all within at time of crime?
        2. To the citizens of that state regardless of location of crime?
        3. To non-citizens of that state not within the boundary.
        ALL are enacted at some level
        1 normal current situation,
        2 sex tourists going to SEAsia to do shit that is legal there, getting arrested for breaking UK laws on return to UK.
        3. International criminal court arresting and trying Serbians for war crimes in Bosnia….

        Does Internet have geographic boundaries? Within national borders you can access different things on line than within others….but the basic function of e.g. X is to enable communication irrespective of location. Can/should a nation spend time and money monitoring speech?
        Clearly they do ostensibly for antiterrorism but really it’s ALL about control; even of those who aren’t under their aegis….
        All of a sudden I understand NORAID.

      • More… What would US State Department do if a US citizen posting in the US speech protected by the US Constitution gets arrested on arrival at Heathrow because the UK government deems it hate speech? Is there a precedent here?

  7. Apparently, Constable Fuckwit wasn’t informed about the last time the Limey bastards got too big for their britches.

    If he wants a third bite at that apple, tell him to bring friends. Lots of friends.

    Personally, I think he’s going to have his hands full dealing with his own people tearing the place up thereabouts for the next several months to years.
    Eventually it’s also going to dawn on them that the Britistani cops are part of the problem, not the solution, then that whole “unarmed policing” is going to get rather problematic.

    In any event, post a mailing address.
    I’ll happily send him a bag of dildos and tell him to “Eat A Bag of Dicks!”

  8. As my late, saintly father used to say, “We saved their sorry limey asses twice and kicked it a third time”.

    I don’t think London’s Metropolitan Police chief is familiar with our Second Amendment.

  9. He’s a Muzzy, rapist, murderer, protecting, enabler. Commissar wanna be Stalin doing what Petty Tyrants do. In this case he’s powerless against us, but a horror for the hapless, helpless Brits.

  10. Yesterday after I had read this, just for shits and giggles, I went to the Met Police website to see if there was a way to lodge a complaint against this asshole. Turns out there is a sub page/web form where a person can report a crime.

    I got almost all the way through the web form before whoever monitors the page kicked me off before I could complete it. He/She/It must have read the part where I informed the commissioner that after kicking their forefathers out of our country, we Americans have the Constitutionally guaranteed right to free speech and the right to own the weapons of our choice. That’s unlike the snowflakes in England who have the vapors over even a hint of freedom. I also to made an untoward remark about King Charles.

    I then called the commissioner an obstreperous asshole and told him he’d better bring an army to try to arrest me.

    Here’s the website:

    • It might be possible to write out your comments on Note Pad, then copy/paste it into their form. Wouldn’t give them enough time to kick you out, unless they are using geo-location to moderate it. Then just use a VPN to say you are in the UK.
      Otherwise, my ancestors gave up giving a fuck about English laws over 350 years ago. Fuck them.

      Whitehall, NY

    • No limey is going to do it, every fed is just waiting for the go code to do a 6am raid on your house. I would assume the first one is free, the rest are gonna cost ya.

      • Jokes on them. I’m already at work by 6.

        The saying is: “The first one costs you. The rest are free.”

        Whitehall, NY

  11. Fuck the king.
    Fuck the queen.
    Fuck the royalty.
    Fuck the redcoats.
    Fuck those snaggle-toothed muzzie cucks.
    Fuck them all.

  12. As Mike_C pointed out, the baldy fat controller wannabe doesn’t represent the majority of Brits: and white Christians are still the majority despite the imported breeding colonies. Thank you to all those of you out there for the entertaining comments: keep up the good work.

  13. Don’t think for a Minute that if the ZOG in Britain requested that the ZOG in the FUSSA arrest someone for “Hate Speech” online that was inn violation of their “Law”, that your friendly neighborhood ZOG Thugpigs wouldn’t Arrest You, and Shoot your Dog, too.
    The ‘Constitution’ does not Matter.
    The ‘Law’ is whatever the Fuck (((they))) say it is.
    Get your Head around theses Facts, and get Ready for the “Troubles” V.2

  14. This commie prick risks nothing by demanding this. He won’t be sticking his neck out. It will be hired thugs like the FBI and other fed agents whom will round up citizens and export them. And you can bet the farm they will happily aid and abet this assclowns.

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