Two Words I Have Not Yet Seen Regarding The L.A. Fire Hydrants Running Out Of Water

Criminal Negligence.

It will be interesting to see what kind of legal warfare begins against that entire bunch of DEI misfits down there.

Because it’s coming.

36 thoughts on “Two Words I Have Not Yet Seen Regarding The L.A. Fire Hydrants Running Out Of Water

  1. Two more words: malicious intent.

    China wants California as nearest foothold in fUSA, and besides, folks built there because it was nice. It will be nice for the Han overlords too. Lebuirld Horrywoord. At least they won’t mess about with Latinx and Knee Grows….they know how to handle revolting minorities.

    • Do you think BrackLock or BlackRock is gonna end up in control of the land?

      Either road it’ll be high-IQ ethnosupremacists, but the Chinks don’t push DEI and LGBTQIAA+ and porn and negro rap and all the other shit on us. Not to mention the “hate speech” scam. Chinese may want to displace white people, but they don’t particularly hate them. It’s the other ones who hate “whiteness”.

      • Blackrock most certainly will be in control of the rebuild AFTER the Government and FEMA declare it hazardous and appropriate all of it.

  2. It would be outstanding if any of the scum leadership in LA county or at the state level could be prosecuted for that. I predict their first play will be to pull out two other words: qualified immunity. Given the quality of the judges that now populate the courts, I wouldn’t be optimistic that those filing suit will be able to pierce that veil. And I’m sure there will be attempts to put any judgements against public officials for their actions (or lack thereof) while on the job back on the taxpayers.

      • I can see that being a thing, eventually. Although the more events fall apart, the faster they will fall apart so it might not take too koo g to get there.

  3. My understanding is that when 80 MPH winds after an extended dry period push forest fires into populated areas and take out 100s of homes in minutes, leaving said homes spewing water from open water lines, that leaves little pressure for hydrants to provide needed water.

    But then, I’m not an ire fighter so what do I know? Best leave ito the Fox News experts?

    • This is a good point I have not seen raised anywhere yet, but have been thinking on quite a bit myself. Whether copper or some variety of plastic, water lines typically don’t survive a structure fire. Galvanized steel screw pipe might survive (but almost certainly with leaks) but I don’t know how much of each material type is prevalent in California home construction, but anything that was copper or plastic got cooked for sure.

      Thus, many of these homes and buildings will have had their internal water and natgas piping destroyed in the fires. Unless and until the utility companies shut off whole sectors, these will be spewing water and nat gas wide open into the atmosphere. This will have an effect on domestic water pressure and gas, plus adding the risk of more fire and explosions.

      Of course, the bigger issue is the fact that at least one resovoir with a capacity of over 100 million gallons was left empty and offline, and if it were functional, they would have had water available at the hydrants for some time. The only stored water they did have at the outset was about 3 million gallons, in water towers or tanks in the vicinity.

      The Palisades resovoir should’ve been repaired and returned to service years ago, but the “leadershit” failed to to do it while they almost certainly had funds budgeted for it since at least 2022 based on information I’ve found. More criminal negligence right there.

      • Early on saw a report from an owner that they had already lost water to the homes. Faucets or toilets weren’t working when they left the house.

        • Probably due to wide (attempted) use of fire hydrants which will quickly tank the pressure on shared mains. I cant imagine utility operator shutting off water to these areas in advance, as that would guarantee no water at the hydrants. But then again, it is ass backwards California.

  4. Governor Hair Gel has already expressed naivety on how this disaster could have EVER happened. He really thought his peeps had everything under control. Because, queers.

    • The Mayor is a trained Cuban Commie Terrorist – period.
      How she was ever permitted to run for any kind of Office is the first crime. That piece of work should still be in prison.

  5. I don’t know what everyone here is so upset about. We all hate Commie pieces of shit. We all know the Commies like to shit in their own nests and blame everyone else for their problems. Now, Kommiefornia is on fire because the people in charge couldn’t organize a blowjob in a whorehouse – and it is in the wealthier neighborhoods filled with people who constantly support the Communist Utopia. And the Kommiefornians all try to tell everyone else how to live their lives.

    Fuck every last one of them.

    Give them each a hundred bucks and say, “But we need to send money to Ukraine for weapons and also Afghanistan to support LGBTQXYZ studies – and money laundering needs to get done.

    Fuck Kommiefornia.

    • I don’t disagree, but have two major concerns. First, you know a move will be made to soak the rest of us (the collective US taxpayers) to fund the recovery in the aftermath or this stupid bullshit. Pedo joey has already committed “federal” (read: our) money for cleanup, at least.

      Second, despite it hitting a place where the argument can easily be made that the people affected deserve to eat their own cooking, to see the utter (intentional) ineptitude in handling this mess (as has also happened in the hurricane ravaged parts of NC) is massively discouraging from the standpoint that it really brings home the sense of just how badly we are screwed going forward. It is difficult, if not impossible, to recover from a point where societal institutions have been so badly decontented and riven through with destructive Marxists and other assorted assholes. Every such incident is another reminder of how much ground they’ve gained on us, and how much work (and suffering) will be required to get back to anything resembling a decent society, assuming such is possible at all. In that sense, this destruction is not something to be relished, seeing liberals directly suffer for their idiocy aside.

  6. In 2014 the voters in California passed a $14 Billion reservoir project to save all the fresh water that gets sent out to the ocean. Ten years later nothing has been built, what did greasy gavin do with all the money appropriated for the project? California is partially desert which is why L.A. steals it’s water from the Owens Valley (look up California Water Wars) Why are there no desalination plants? Why is L.A. paying a “Water Chief” (Janisse Quiñones) $750,000 a year for?

    • Look into the private companies that control California’s water, AT THE APPROVAL OF THE PAID OFF GOVERNMENT.

      A rabbit hole that would leave any sane person foaming at the mouth.

  7. The coming legal fees and court costs from the lawsuits this disaster will foster may be rival the actual damage costs.

    • And the lawyers will get theirs whether or not the are able to recover anything for those that lost everything. The insurance companies saw the writing on the wall and canceled policies on a large scale in recent months. I’m told it is impossible to buy fire insurance on the open market in some zip codes. No insurance means no mortgages.
      Unintended consequences? Or planned crash of the system?

      • It certainly didn’t help that the idiots in the Legislature introduced Price/Rate Controls for Insurance carriers. Lemme tell ya, them guys ain’t dumb. Saw the handwriting on the wall and beat feet outta the market. Apparently, just in time.

        Elections have consequences.

        No Federal Money to California. They rigged the game, now they have to pay up when they lost.

  8. As some politician once said “elections have consequences”. If this situation isn’t a wake up call driving that point home to the voters in Califruitopia, they are beyond hope and deserve every bad outcome elections bring from now til the end of time.

    The good news is that after this abject failure on his watch, governor hair gel’s political career is over. He’ll dance and lie and try to pass the blame onto everyone and anyone else, but the truth, for once, is undeniable. Even his buddies in the fake news media won’t be able to defend him.

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  10. It only makes sense. If the power lines remain energized and cause more fires, the utility WILL be charged with criminal negligence – they KNEW the power lines could cause a fire. It has happened before (the fires and the lawsuits). What did you expect would happen in a litigious society?

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  12. I haven’t heard one word on the clean up of all that debris. Does climate change Calie have enough dumps to be able to take all that rubble? Or do they think we’ll all open our doors to them? We are a town of 10K people who had a tornado and we lost over 4k structures. They keep talking houses but churches, schools, police stations, fire stations and all the business building. It took us a year to remove and clear it to be able to rebuild. Mayor and Governor certainly don’t look foreword but maybe they could put all those homeless they spend so much money on to work cleaning.

  13. biden made billions dissappear in Ukraine, let’s see how many billions they can make dissappear in the left coast…like the billions that were stolen for “their” bullshit train.

  14. I had a couple of uncles that went to CA back in the 1930’s. by 1980something
    they had both left the state and came home to KY.
    they both said the state was getting stupid with taxes and rules that didn’t make sense. so. this is nothing new “out there” as they would say.
    the only good thing either had to say about it was they sold out their small truck farms for big bucks. weather was great most of the time. but the people where getting weird (their words) in other words, the old folks where passing away and the younger ones thought whatever felt good at the time was okay.
    but then San Fran was a nice place to visit back in 1980 too. clean, safe for the most part and seem to be run by people with common sense.
    I wonder what they would have to say if they lived long enough to see what a mess that state has become.

  15. The death toll is now at 16. Sixteen counts of negligent homicide? I know, it will never happen, but I can dream, can’t I?

  16. you guys do realize that fires have been used as a weapon for hundreds of years
    right ?
    if fact during WW2, the Russians used them to great effect against the German army in the north. in front of army group center, they set the grain fields afire in front of the Germans. so, what does all this tell us or rather OTHERS ?
    by and large, the people running things are fucking stupid and have no plans to deal with something as simple as a fire. this is one thing that they better get a handle on as it can be used by the people/countries that hate us to bring about massive damage for very little effort. and it is very cost effective too.
    how much does a propane torch cost ? maybe 20 some bucks ?
    3-4 assholes with cars and propane torches can start a lot of fires fast.
    a lot faster than we can get them under control anyway.
    just something to think about,,,

    • Don’t ascribe what has happened to “enemy action” when simple stupidity and venality will do.

      It’s reasonably apparent (now!) that this result has been building for *decades* – now they are sowing what they reaped.


  17. The solution is to get the western democrat governors who can’t manage fire to partner with the gulf coast and seaboard republican governors who can’t manage floods.

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