Criminal Negligence.
It will be interesting to see what kind of legal warfare begins against that entire bunch of DEI misfits down there.
Because it’s coming.
Criminal Negligence.
It will be interesting to see what kind of legal warfare begins against that entire bunch of DEI misfits down there.
Because it’s coming.
Two more words: malicious intent.
China wants California as nearest foothold in fUSA, and besides, folks built there because it was nice. It will be nice for the Han overlords too. Lebuirld Horrywoord. At least they won’t mess about with Latinx and Knee Grows….they know how to handle revolting minorities.
It would be outstanding if any of the scum leadership in LA county or at the state level could be prosecuted for that. I predict their first play will be to pull out two other words: qualified immunity. Given the quality of the judges that now populate the courts, I wouldn’t be optimistic that those filing suit will be able to pierce that veil. And I’m sure there will be attempts to put any judgements against public officials for their actions (or lack thereof) while on the job back on the taxpayers.
Judges homes burn too!
I can see that being a thing, eventually. Although the more events fall apart, the faster they will fall apart so it might not take too koo g to get there.
My understanding is that when 80 MPH winds after an extended dry period push forest fires into populated areas and take out 100s of homes in minutes, leaving said homes spewing water from open water lines, that leaves little pressure for hydrants to provide needed water.
But then, I’m not an ire fighter so what do I know? Best leave ito the Fox News experts?
Governor Hair Gel has already expressed naivety on how this disaster could have EVER happened. He really thought his peeps had everything under control. Because, queers.
LAFD proves that fire beats scissors
Because the Mayor is a Marxist part of the one world agenda. There’s info about her time in Cuba and her live for Castro. She’s bad news
Why was she in Ghana?
The Mayor is a trained Cuban Commie Terrorist – period.
How she was ever permitted to run for any kind of Office is the first crime. That piece of work should still be in prison.
I don’t know what everyone here is so upset about. We all hate Commie pieces of shit. We all know the Commies like to shit in their own nests and blame everyone else for their problems. Now, Kommiefornia is on fire because the people in charge couldn’t organize a blowjob in a whorehouse – and it is in the wealthier neighborhoods filled with people who constantly support the Communist Utopia. And the Kommiefornians all try to tell everyone else how to live their lives.
Fuck every last one of them.
Give them each a hundred bucks and say, “But we need to send money to Ukraine for weapons and also Afghanistan to support LGBTQXYZ studies – and money laundering needs to get done.
Fuck Kommiefornia.
In 2014 the voters in California passed a $14 Billion reservoir project to save all the fresh water that gets sent out to the ocean. Ten years later nothing has been built, what did greasy gavin do with all the money appropriated for the project? California is partially desert which is why L.A. steals it’s water from the Owens Valley (look up California Water Wars) Why are there no desalination plants? Why is L.A. paying a “Water Chief” (Janisse Quiñones) $750,000 a year for?