Two Seemingly Unrelated Articles About Current Events That Are Actually Very Intertwined And Are Clues As To What Is Coming

Both of which were linked to by Our Man Concerned Citizen over at Western Rifle Shooters Association.

The first one to read is from Quinn over at The Burning Platform,


He covers the current trajectory we are heading on, the machinations of The Deep State, how we have been fucked over by TPTB, the rich getting richer at our expense, the futility of the electoral system, how we are on track to a very bloody and horrific end of our current system etc. etc.

Very much a good read.

The second one is about the P.Diddy scandal and how it has already started taking a toll on various powerful people and goes on to explain how the unbelievably huge number of missing children are being used for Satanic ceremonies, sexual abuse and even cannibalism.

A Principality Falls in an Avalanche of Scum, Body Parts, and Anguish – Hollywood in Crisis

By Elizabeth Nickson

How young Pop Stars are fed into it and the abuse they endure on the road to getting famous.

Many many young Hollywood and Pop Star kids.

This scandal is going to link many of the same people currently sweating their names being connected to Epstein and expose even more. Many, many more.

The difference is these names are already being named unlike the Epstein scenario.

At first glance the two articles seem unconnected until you step back and look at the bigger picture. Then it all comes together as being absolutely connected.

This country is doomed as it exists right now.

There is going to be a very bloody conflict coming and nobody, is going to be ready for the scope of it all.

3 thoughts on “Two Seemingly Unrelated Articles About Current Events That Are Actually Very Intertwined And Are Clues As To What Is Coming

  1. Here’s another thing coming. Over 13,000 ilegal alien murderers have been let into our country (that the feds are telling us about) I’m sure the numbers are much, much higher.
    That’s almost 40 illegal alien murderers for each and every city with a population over 100,000 in the United States.
    This doesn’t count the drug smugglers, rapists, or thieves.

  2. I have said, there will be a reckoning. I would hope it to be quick and furious, but I know it will be slow and full of anguish. But a reckoning nonetheless!

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