Two Examples Of How To Deal With LibTard Reporters Asking Ridiculous And Baiting Questions

Tucker Carlson does a pretty good job of destroying a Karen reporter trying to tie his words in with heinous acts.

President Trump does it better and quicker.

We absolutely need more of this.

When they try to trap you and twist your words, call them an idiot and walk away.

Better yet, don’t talk to them at all.

8 thoughts on “Two Examples Of How To Deal With LibTard Reporters Asking Ridiculous And Baiting Questions

  1. Tucker’s response is not to deny the essential truth of what he has said, but to pick on the very crux of the issue and challenge her to.provide the exact occasions when he has said what he has likely been scrupulously careful not to say, but only to imply.

    • AHs who make these wild connections are too stupid to jump right to the core of the argument.
      They lag the bright people by several repetitions.

  2. Carlson
    “People like YOU, in the media, never say exactly what you mean. Your slurs are all by implication.”

    “What a stupid question … I watch you a lot and you ask a lot of stupid questions.”

    Desantis is another one at that repartee with stupid reporters that think they’re oh so smart.

    Nothing to get the heart going in the morning than listening to real leaders smacking down smart mouthed assholes in the press in front of the whole world.

  3. The Left took this away from us, claiming words can cause actual pain, or that it’s a form of bullying or misogynistic if used towards a female.

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