12 thoughts on “Twisted Christmas.

  1. Meat Ho-Ho? I remember there used to be these steak rolls on a skewer in the meat case. I think they were labeled “London Broil”, though I think that’s not correct. Possibly, there was bacon in the roll.

    Brand name on the scale – “Borg”. Is that where it started? Doesn’t look that sinister to me.

  2. Is #10 the proverbial turd sprinkled with glitter?

    HAPPY CHRISTMAS everybody and thank you to the staff for all your hard work keeping the inmates safe and supplied with things their mums wouldn’t allow.

  3. Wow, this is all Very Disturbing.

    Time to go wish the nice men in white a Merry Christmas so they can introduce you to their nice rubber-walled and padded room.

    Please, I beg of you.

    (Wee Fish You A Mare Egrets Moose…)
    (When ya moving?)

  4. #1 My son’s Birthday was Dec 6th. I did not permit any Christmas decorations until after his birthday. The idea was to separate his birthday from the giving season of Christmas. It backfired. By the time he was a teenager his birthday was the month of December.

    I moved Dec 8th. No Christmas prior to the move, but a dying tree with 300 leds for $55 two weeks before Christmas was a deal. I am where I can grow Frasier furs. I plan on planting 2 a year for the next few years.

  5. Look, if it’s after Thanksgiving it’s still okay, that’s not premature.

    However, I *DO* want to curbstomp the Big Box Stores for putting Christmas Crap up at Hallowe’en!


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