12 thoughts on “Truth…

  1. Been there, done that. My favorite was the water pump bolt that left the stud buried in the block.

  2. Oh Lord! I need that sign for my shop, happens on every rusty beater I work on.

  3. I was sitting in the waiting room, reading Yachting magazines (all the owners have them) and the grease covered mechanic comes in to give the manager an update. Said he was done but pulled out the dipstick, the handle came loose and the stick was in the pan. They would have to jack the engine up to get in there. Stuff like that causes binge drinking.

  4. Yup. Snapped an exhaust stud while changing a cylinder on an R-2800 DC-6 engine. In Deadhorse, AK. Outside, cause there’s not a big enough hangar to fit a DC-6. In January. With -35 temp & 30 knots of wind. Fortunately, it was on the jug coming off….Still pissed me off tho.

  5. Man ain’t that the truth.
    Just took me two days to replace a power steering pump.
    In 100 degree plus Texas temps.
    I swear, when they built the vehicle they decided to use red lock tite to solidify every bolt in place.


  6. That is the way it was when I worked on cars with my late father. I did a small job about 3 months ago and i told my sister normally it would take about thirty minutes. I told her it would I would budget 2 hours for the job and it took longer than that.

  7. Had to replace the exhaust manifold gasket on a ’57 (I think) Willys Jeep once. Took me three days using penetratiing oil, a propane torch and an impact wrench on low air flow to get the last nut to break loose without breaking the stud. Hood times. Good times.

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