5 thoughts on “Trust lost… they will never get it back.

  1. Been there for YEARS.

    The REAL problem I have with most Doc’s is they think they’re the smartest people on the planet and they’re infallible.

  2. Surgeons, orthopedics, dentists, are real doctors, otherwise they’re just pill pushers. With chemo therapy, the doctor buys the poison, marks it up astronomically, then sells it to the victim, that got the cancer from our (((Rulers))).
    Want to degrade a civilization? Start poison vaxxes at child birth, don’t quit.

  3. My next door neighbor is head of cardiology at a nearby hospital. Great guy. I am not one of his patients so I can’t speak to his medical expertise. Just need to say that not all doctors are assholes. My primary care physician is the same – great guy. Caring, takes his time when I do see him for a checkup. Like the LEOs that are bullies with badges – it only takes a few to give the entire group a bad name.

  4. Went to my cardiologist Thursday, we discussed my weight ballooning to 290 pounds. He told me with a straight face that there were two solutions to controlling my weight:
    1) the Needle (Ozempic – spit)
    2) The knife (removing fat either through surgery or suction)

    Not ONE WORD about the *only* tried-and-true/safe method, eating less and exercising!
    Guess he was more concerned about kickbacks than healthy weight loss methods.
    Not going back to THAT guy any more!

    • More protein and fat, and less carbs. Follow a modified keto diet as I do to control your waistline. Love and care about you and want the best for you. We need your knowledge around here.

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