Because I’m not a lawyer, let’s hear from someone who is.
I subscribed to William’s Youtube channel a long time ago. mainly because he is based in and concerned with issues here in Washington state but he does watch things that affect us nation wide.
Finally, Some Executive Action on Gun Rights
I am a big believer in the 2A, but I am in a quandry about its wording. Nowhere does it exempt felons from owning weapons. I am uncomfortable with allowing people that have committed violent acts with guns to be able to legally possess them. Perhaps we need to deal with these people so they cannot possess anything in this world. They used to hang people that stole a horse.
To quote Codrea (
“Anyone who can’t be trusted with a gun can’t be trusted without a custodian.”
You gotta remember all this gets filtered through Pam Bondi, who isn’t all that rah-rah-rah about the Second Amendment and pushed for the prosecution of George Zimmermann, who shot Trayvon Martin.
Lots of non-violent ways to become a felon, and many self defense cases end up with the defender portrayed as a violent felon.
EO’s are not law
So, are you tracking the plethora of psycho laws that are at the legislature in Olympia? I’m getting a regular drop of the insanity. 32 “bundles” of crazy that they are preparing for us. I’m told that the $25K per gun “Insurance” has been dropped, but the rest are still there.
Just wondering.
Implementation of this EO has been assigned to AG Pam Bondi. Who has proven REPEATEDLY to be fervently anti 2A. So she will do NOTHING then report back to Trump that there are no meaningful infringements to deal with…and then get on with her agenda of infringing on our 2A rights. Appointing her as AG will prove to be one of Trump’s BIGGEST mistakes. Mark my words on that.
I dont give two shits if you are a former-felon and can own a gun. If you served your time, period full-stop your rights should be re-established, otherwise you are not a CITIZEN! Here comes the retard responses. Nope I am not a felon. We cannot create two classes of citizens, politicians already did that. We all agree a criminal is gonna carry a gun regardless. Well up your game, train, stay prepared netter than they would be, and stay strapped or get clapped its darwinism. If dont like the rules dont play.
Mother, there are some pretty screwed up/rabid people out there who shouldn’t be able to carry anything sharper or more dangerous than a spoon. Even some of those need close supervision. OldVet50 kinda has the right of it. Put ’em down if they are a Mad Dog, let God sort ’em out !