Trump Is Allowing Musk and DOGE To Auger Into The Deep States Most Sacrosanct Inner Workings.

This makes my nether regions tingle.

Breaking News
USAID security leaders placed on leave after trying to keep Musk team from classified info, officials say The Trump administration placed two top security chiefs at the U.S. Agency for International Development on leave after they refused to turn over classified material in restricted areas to Elon Musk’s government-inspection teams, a current and a former U.S. official told the Associated Press on Sunday.
The two USAID security officials — John Vorhees and deputy Brian McGill — were legally obligated to deny access.
Members of Musk’s Department of Government Efficiency, known as DOGE, eventually did gain access Saturday to the aid agency’s classified information, which includes intelligence reports, the former official said.”

The L.A.Times wants me to pay money to access the rest of this article but they can lick my taint.

I’m sure this will be available all over quite soon so we can get the rest of the story.

So basically, your objections have been noted gentlemen. Now get the fuck out of the way because the sewer sweepers are coming through.

I would wager a complete Rib Eye steak dinner, with loaded baked potato, veggie and drink of your choice that Musk and crew are going to find over One Trillion Dollars of waste, graft and probably illegal payments before they are done going through this fucking department line by line.

34 thoughts on “Trump Is Allowing Musk and DOGE To Auger Into The Deep States Most Sacrosanct Inner Workings.

  1. TNX
    I forgot that “taint” was another word for the perineum; last I heard it used was back in the early ’60s

  2. I think they are rocking a boat that was sinking. I for one would love to see my taxes do something other than buy condoms for Hamas

    • And it’s a waste of money; they feel you don’t need a condom while you’re fucking a goat..

    • You’re assuming that’s what they were buying, but I’m sure it was “condoms”; nudge, nudge, wink, wink.

      I ran a quick calculation from Amazon with an average price of $11, and it would buy 454 million+ boxes of condoms.

  3. “You’re in the Executive Branch. You serve ‘At the pleasure of the President’. You do not please the President. Get out. The contents of your desk will be forwarded to you.”

  4. Pretty sure Trump’s EO overrides that requirement to deny access. These apparatchiks screwed up. Now they will become unemployed apparatchiks.

  5. The Deep State needs to be reigned in but do you really believe letting Musk and the other billionaires run the country is the right way to do it? Is he doing this for the good of the country or the good for Musk? The richest man in the world now controls the country’s checking account and has access to all of our personal data. He’s Putin’s BFF, does $billions in business with the Chinese and has $billions in contracts with the US government. Before Trump he wasn’t able to qualify for anything higher than a low level security clearance and that was in the process of being revoked. The tech bros he’s turned loose on the government computers have no security clearances. He had the head of the FAA and dozens of safety officials at the FAA fired before the recent crashes.
    Be careful what you wish for.

    • Trump is playing a very different game this time. Hopefully, he knows how far he can trust Musk. A lot more is going on than what we know about. A tool doesn’t have to be perfect to be useful and Musk is a tool (pun intended).

      • A different game perhaps but who is the tool? Trump is an insecure man of profoundly mediocre intelligence with an outsized ego and no morals or concern for anyone but himself. The tech billionaires, oil industry, Netanyahu, and Putin all know how to play him and the average joe will pay the price.
        For example, he plans to privatize the VA. Why? There’s a big pile of cash that his donors want to siphon off. If you like Obamacare you will love the “new and improved” VA.

        • Really – profoundly mediocre intelligence. Wow, for a man who was left 30 million to grow it into 7 billion. My son has a very high IQ. Was at Yale at 15 and trust me he’s nowhere near a billionaire. Are you?

          Daddy left mom half of his fortune and split the rest between the 5 children. Do the math.

          • 1. Listen to him speak. He’s no more coherent than Slow Joe, just louder. He has the vocabulary of an eight grader.
            2. Wealth is net, not gross. How much does he owe the Russians? He likely wasn’t a billionaire before becoming president.
            3. He inherited $400 million and pissed it way. He was on the verge of bankruptcy until the TV show saved him.
            4. Only a genius can bankrupt a casino, twice. There were four other bankruptcies.
            5. According to his sister, the Federal judge, he paid someone to take the SAT for him.
            5. If your son’s accomplishments are real, he must have inherited his intelligence from his mother.

    • Ask yourself if you’d rather have .gov run as usual or if SOMEONE was looking into where all the treasury checks are going.

      Here’s some examples after a cursory look after 13 days in:

      If this doesn’t frost your balls you need to rethink your position.

    • I don’t know that Musk is the best choice for what’s being done, but the status quo is worse.

      As to who controls the “checking account” — how could he be worse or more evil? Of course, all this is in the setting of our very currency being under control of a private institution (add parentheses to taste). Adding the word “Federal” doesn’t make it public or accountable. And consider that Sec Treas is practically an ethnic sinecure, just like in those coalition banana republics where Defense goes to one group, Finance to another, etc. For the love of G-d, don’t Notice which group has basically owned Treasury for the last 50 years or so.

      Putin’s BFF: First no, he isn’t. Second, Putin isn’t the one responsible for DEI, for public faggotry, for mass immigration of unskilled, uneducable violent morons without impulse control who are here only to take and to prey on heritage Americans. Putin isn’t the one behind Tranny Story Hour in our schools. Putin didn’t give us Second Wave Feminism, nor Bolshevism, nor does he produce the vast majority of pornography. He’s not the one behind finance/crony capitalism and he’s not the one sucking the wealth out of this nation. Putin isn’t my friend, but he sure as hell hasn’t done me the vast injury that our Victim-Masters have done, and continue to do. Injury to the United States in particular and the West in general.

      Security Clearance: Mark Milley has high level clearance. Peter Strzok had high level clearance. Joe Biden had highest level clearance for goodness sake. To take but a few examples. What does it even mean at this point?

      If your point is that Musk is a bit of a weird guy, and we should keep eyes on him, I’m totally aboard with that. (And I’m glad that Ramaswamy appears to be out. We do NOT need a new class of rulers who are good at words, with rules lawyering and propaganda particularly; who have deep-seated resentment against whites; who tell themselves endless tales of the sufferings of their ancestors, and who have infinite self pity that is used to justify their predatory and utterly shameless behavior.) But the current situation is not only intolerable, it’s not sustainable. Waiting for the optimal solution is not a plan. Put it this way: Normally I’m not doing an invasive medical procedure without sterile protocol. But if some guy gets shot and is bleeding out, I’m going to hold pressure on the wound even if I have dirty hands.

      • I don’t disagree with the problems you describe but I think you overemphasize problems of limited scope and downplay more serious issues – crony capitalism and the rule of law.
        Is the status quo really worse than a drug-addled, Afro-American billionaire with a history of chronic mendacity illegally running the government? His unwillingness to report his personal chats with Putin while having access to US secrets is why he was about to lose his security clearance. Not a problem anymore because Trump decreed anyone he appoints immediately gets a high level clearance with no vetting. Good times!
        Give the DEI, feminist, immigrant, tranny crap a rest. Those are distractions that keep the Trumpenprole from realizing who is really screwing them over, the crony capitalists you also mention. Trump and his billionaire backers are trying to emulate Putin, Orban, et al and their versions of crony capitalism – aka “friends and family government”. This isn’t new or partisan, Trump just turned it up to 11.

  6. “and has access to all of our personal data….” China has had access to all the OPM data for years – why are you concerned about an American auditing it?

    Why do you think Musk’s clearance was being revoked? Could it have anything to do with his taking on of the D.O.G.E role?

    Did the FAA really fall apart since Jan 20? Is it so fragile it can’t last ten days on autopilot? If that’s the case, the people in charge should be fired!

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