Trump Survives Assassination Attempt In Pennsylvania Today!!

Shots fired and reportedly he was grazed in the side of his head.

Trump stops Secret Service who are trying to evacuate him after he was grazed by a bullet and tells them to wait so he can raise his fist and say FIGHT!!

Ladies and gentlemen, the shit just hit the fan.

47 thoughts on “Trump Survives Assassination Attempt In Pennsylvania Today!!

  1. Gateway Pundit also has pictures. The shit has hit the fan is the understatement of the year. Pandora’s box is open, and nothing will change that. Trust no one unless they are proved and verified, which everyone should have been doing several years ago.

  2. Was it a deliberate miss to incite or a bungled kill shot?
    All bets are off now as even the sleepy wolves must awaken.

    • We will find out about the accuracy soon enough. For the other part of your comment, that will be a magnitude of ugly very few people are ready for. Present company excluded.

    • If that was someone purposely “bungling” a kill shot, that was a better shot than if they’d hit Trump center-mass in the face!

      This tired old wolf has never gone to sleep…

    • Deliberate miss? From 150 yards? By a 20 year-old long-haired asshole in a tee shirt?

      No one, and I mean NO ONE, is that good.

    • It was pure luck on Trump’s part that he turned his head at the exact moment the shot was fired. Else he’d have one in the cabesa. It was, from what I saw, that much of a lucky shot.

      Then there’s the closeup of Trump’s jacket that shows a hole in his right breast pocket. And, supposedly, he’s just started wearing a vest.

      • A ivA vest will not stop a riffle round. Plates will, but Kevlar cannot.


      • “It was pure luck on Trump’s part that he turned his head at the exact moment the shot was fired. ”

        Yes. Thank God he was saved by Biden. If B hadn’t opened wide our borders, Trump wouldn’t have turned to show the stats for it at that very moment. Thank you, B.

  3. If they wanted him dead, he would be dead, unless the perpetrator was a DEI hire.
    Stay tuned!

    • Yes DMM. Even I’m a better shot than that, ask those who have seen photos of my small dead animals. False flag? This is all suspect.

    • The DEI hire is the Director of the Secret Service, Kimberly Cheatle, who has hired mostly other women into the Secret Service since she became Director.

      The Director of the Secret Service reports to the Director of DHS Alejandro Mayorkas another DEI hire. I don’t need to say any more about this asshole other than he needs to resign right along with his underling Cheatle.

      • Mayorkas is no diversity hire. He’s a tribal hire. Very different.

        Mayorkas is about as Cuban as, well, Mark Cuban.

    • The DEI hire is Kimberly Cheatle, head of Secret Service, who has denied repeated requests for increased security for Donald Trump.

    • Word. My fear now is some outraged MAGA supporter will off some local Marxist-Infanticide Party (Democrat) political hack. Then it will be game on, and The Biden will declare martial law and cancel the election. We live in interesting times. Bleib ubrig.

  4. The patsy is dead on scene. They didn’t make the same mistake as they did with LHO.

    • What snuffy said.
      A pro would have him dead from a distance shot with a large caliber. What we are now interested in (and will probably never know) is who got the retard all spooled up to take the shot.

  5. I got the call from a SIL. I warned her not to trust ANYTHING she sees, reads, or hears until we can get proof positive corroboration. In these days of AI and rampant disinfo, anything can be spoofed. Yes, I think he was nicked; those pics and video are 99% likely real, but any reporting beyond that is suspect until verified.
    Thanks Phil for posting, and as Bugs Bunny said so eloquently: “THIS MEANS WAR!!!”

  6. Buckle up sports fans. Spicy is here. CW2.0 just kicked off for real.

    Trump now has a lock on the win, IMHO.

    • Have to laugh at the chiron at the bottom of the TV screen: “Possible” assassination attempt. WTF do they think this was with gunshots, Trump grabbing his right ear and blood on his face when he was being hustled out.
      Typical Trump, defiant, pumping his fist as he’s being hustled away. MAGA

      ABC was doing an interview with someone who was at the rally a bit ago. The guy had a wife beater on with “I’m voting for the Felon” and Trumps picture on it. LOL

      • New reports from supposed eyewitnesses state that the shooter was seen crawling across a roof 300yds away with people screaming for police to “do something”.

        Which begs the question: At every other venue where a Secret Service protectee appears, ALL rooftops within shooting distance are secured by a friendly with a rifle. Why wasn’t this one?

        • Most likely Trump’s SS detail has been reduced by the powers-that-be. Can’t cover everything.

          The candidate isn’t supposed to get full SS protection until after the nominating convention.

          Bet Trump is hiring security now.

          • yeah awful lot of chicks on his detail, scrambling around like chickens while the men took care of bidness. i bet biden doesn’t send the cream of the crop to cover trump.

  7. Ladies and Gentlemen, I see very strongly the Hand of God in this incident.

    Do any of you realize just how close to the CPU that shot was? if Trump had been looking forward when the bullet went by the back of his head would’ve blown out and he would then be as smart as BiteMe.

    Nice try, Satan!

    Heads need to roll at he SS, that rooftop should have been covered. Somebody screwed the pooch bigly…

  8. 148 yds and missed the target?!!! Give me a fucking break. Fucking amateur. Glad Trump is okay, no one deserves that. And they found the shooter quickly possibly via ShotSpotter technology, if indeed they didn’t already know where the shooter was. We have definitely entered the twilight zone.

  9. Next time you see a Democrat with a snow-shovel, and there aint no snow around (except the white house) run for cover.

  10. I wonder… The Secret Service ignored the guy on the roof and didn’t go into action until after Trump was shot. Witnesses were yelling at them to do their job, that there was someone on that roof, and were also ignored.

    Were they told to let this sort of thing happen? Look the other way when it does, until afterwards? Planning for some dumb antifa guy to take the shot and the fall?

  11. A friend of mine just commented on the question: “Why was anyone with a gun permitted on an unguarded roof with an unobstructed view of the podium?”

    Well, we can’t have the Secret Service and a CIA operative on the same roof.

  12. Well folks I’ve not been a regular shooter for many years for many reasons, so I can’t say that I could have made such a shot even at my best. In my mind that was a MOA shot. Well over a hundred yards with iron sights by a person who was said to be such a poor shot he was ask not to come back to his high school rifle team. Did he have training/practice since that time? Was he the actual shooter? There’s a lot of questions that may or not be answered to our satisfaction. Or maybe never answered.
    Ole Grump

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