4 thoughts on “True Dat

  1. Wow
    And this guy was portrayed as a “loon”, not worth a second look or even a vote.

    • …just like Ross Perot ala “the giant sucking sound of jobs going south” thanks to NAFTA.

      • Well, a Prophet (or somebody that can CLEARLY see the results of actions) is unheeded until the Feces hits the Westinghouse.
        And there’s an awful lot of “I TOLD YOU SO!!” out there!

      • As I recall Perot got about 19% of the vote when he ran for pres.
        The republicrats had a hissy fit and changed the rules, big time.
        How many of you can remember seeing two or three on the ballot for pres.? I can remember seeing more than a half a dozen.

        Evil Franklin

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