14 thoughts on “Tout de suite…

  1. Had an odd experience at the grocery store I’ve shopped at for over 30 years yesterday. I was looking for a particular item in the produce section. Couldn’t find it after two circuits through in any of the three spots that I’ve found it in before (I think they change locations of stuff just to confuse the shit out of the customers). Asked a produce clerk if he knew where I could find it. I couldn’t understand his reply, his accent was so thick. He whipped out his $500.00+ iphone spoke into it in Spanish or Portuguese and showed me the answer to my question on the screen.

    With the number of Spanish speaking people I’ve heard from most of the stock clerks in this store over the last half decade, I think this chain will be out of business if its illegal workers get deported. Over the last 20 years or so going to this grocery store is akin to what I think visiting the U.N. would be like, listening to all of the different languages being spoken. Spanish however, seems to be primary, even before English and I live in a predominately white community in a, by far, predominately white state.

    • Don’t kid yourself Nemo, those phones are over a grand. I go with the cheapie models. Don’t need the good camera or all the rest of the boolchit

      A few months ago was in the big city and stopped at Sam’s. Never walked thru so fast in my life after majority foreign language spoken. It was sickening.

  2. If a pole up the ass and being displayed as yard art doesn’t convince them I guess flame throwers are in order.

  3. Same would work for government officials. String a few up and they would line up quick to turn in each other with proof of treason to save their own crooked asses

    • and there are a lot of lamp posts in DC too. figure they stay up a week or two before they got to smelling real bad ?
      but I still think feeding them to the crabs would be better use of their worthless asses. think of how much the seafood stores could gain ?
      and if it was shown on pay per view, help knock down the debit they ran up. still think we should turn the IRS loose on them to find out how much and just where did they get all of their money.
      but yeah. if you guys want to impale them, I am okay with that.
      I not going to clean up the mess afterwards though !

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