Today is the first day of Black History Month

Now white peasants, supplicate before your mighty “We wuz kings and shiit.” melanin enhanced. I will reluctantly celebrate their miniscule contributions to society when we carve a full 31 day month for white history, because it will take that full month and then some to fully appreciate all the contributions that whites have brought forth.

26 thoughts on “Today is the first day of Black History Month

  1. Key word: Wuz. Right up until the white guys showed up. Battle of Rorke’s Drift. Hide shields and spears against Martini-Henry rifles chambered in 577-450.

    Not saying that the Zulu’s weren’t the bravest of the brave, or that the British government weren’t conniving bastards.

    • Battle of Islandhwana prior to Roarkes Drift. Not saying you’re wrong. Amazing what an Officer of Engineers did at the Drift

      • Yeah, I thought of that battle, but decided to keep my comment simple. Don’t underestimate your enemy, and don’t get caught out in the open in a full blown riot. And yes, the Zulu’s were defending their homeland against British invasion.

  2. I guess that’s why Detroit, Baltimore and others are in such fine shape. ” We wuz Kangs. I axed my mammy and she say so.”

  3. It’s not the Kangz of Kolor you have to look out for. It’s the ones that weaponized them against Whites.

    As for the rest of it, I admit to liking peanut butter, but was it really worth it?

  4. That fella in the chariot must be one of Cederq’s forebears. He’d be doing similar with his Chebby at a BLM prayer meeting, especially with the hefty Lefty white lesbians.
    Cederq, you’ll need to maintain forward momentum, if you’re chasing down a really big land whale with purple hair, you might high-centre your ute when you’re rolling over the road obstructions, then you’ll lose traction. The other protesters will drag you out and have their way with you, so you better keep one last round ready to spoil their fun.
    To describe the sort of horrors that you could face, trussed with rope or gaffer tape, those big smelly girls would feed you a whole bunch of little blue pills and have their way…well, I’d better stop there. Phil is sick after all, don’t want to push him over the edge.

  5. There’s a reason blacks are despised worldwide and it isn’t racism. It’s about behavior, not race.

  6. Jesse Lee Peterson celebrates White History Month in July; has been for years. A black minister, who claims he is white inside!

  7. Had a guy at work ask which month was white history month after the barrage of month after month of (fill-in-the-blank) history month, pride month and every other non- inclusive celebration.

    I smiled and told him if he looked around and gave it any thought, he would realize that every month was white history month.

    He agreed and hasn’t mentioned it again.

  8. Outside of Egypt, where are the symbols of black achievement? They were found living in mud huts and still do to this day. They weren’t brought here for their brain power. Their primitive behavior continues here and in mother Africa, no difference. Why are “bad schools” and “bad neighborhoods” considered bad? If blacks aren’t inferior, why do they need so much extra help?

  9. For a little elucidation(modified word stolen from someone else’s comment) on black people running countries, search for “black people can’t run a country”. You’ll be astonished at the quantity of articles in the stack that goes on for pages and pages. I didn’t read any of them, so don’t know what they say.

    There was essay titled “Black people can’t run no country” written by an educated black man (his bio at the end of the article indicated a PhD. in something or other STEM related, not black history) around the time Obama was elected, which detailed the what and why of the title. The article even referenced Egyptian history with the disclaimer that they’re not black because one of the questions in the article is why are there no tall buildings in Africa prior to when whites arrived.

    I used to have a link to the article in Bookmarks, but linky no worky any more. Probably taken down by the thought police.

    • Nemo, if you can find that link, add it to the comments here.
      It may be archived and still available thru Wayback Machine.

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