I dunno WTF is going on but except for going to work and coming home to fall down, I have been in bed since Sunday afternoon.

I just don’t feel good and I spent all day yesterday yawning right up until I hit the front door.

Haven’t eaten anything since yesterday at 11. First thing is to stop and get some grub and something for lunch today,

Thanks to CederQ for keeping the lights on, I gotta go to work again now.

24 thoughts on “TKO’d

  1. I’m 67. My biggest complaint to doc is lethargy. No energy. I’m about ready to try and find some amphetamines or something. Coffee doesn’t do shit. It may blow my heart up but I’m no good like this.

    • I went to the doctor with a cough that was just not going away. She said “You have “Long COVID.” I’d had COVID three months prior, so it was automatically “Long COVID.” She wanted to give me a steroid shot. I passed on that. A couple of days later I thought “Maybe allergies?” I started taking Zyrtec. The cough went away almost overnight… You would think that the doctor would have given this a shot…

      EVERYTHING is “Long COVID” now. When you’re a hammer, everything’s a nail! Or… when you’re a lazy doctor, everything’s “Long COVID…”

  2. I’m 73 and have bouts like that and attribute it to poor diet. When I lose my appetite, it like feeds on itself and it takes a while to get it back. I have bought Ensure to drink so I will at least get some nutrition. It helps.

  3. Hey Phil, we don’t want you dying and leaving Cederq with the keys to Bustednuckles! You better eat some buttered toast slathered with Vegemite, it’ll fill you full of vitamins and give you a real boost.

      • Yep. Aussies smear Vegemite on a baby’s dummy (pacifier), it gives them a boost for growth and a preference for savoury foods, rather than sweetened garbage. Add a little to pan gravy or stock for extra flavour.

  4. Have yout blood checked for low iron. I have the same situation, being tired and run down all time

  5. Dehydrated?
    Cut back on alcohol/caffeine and if you’re still smoking QUIT.
    Check your meds side effects as well.

  6. I’m 75 been dragging my butt for several years no energy everything hurts a nice young PA did a blood test for high iron the “real” doctors never checked this I have hemochromatosis or something similar solution is they take a pint of blood as necessary like every week or three seems to help a bit

  7. Could be a symptom of many things so I’ll not give medical advice. Sorry to hear that you’re having all these problems pile up on you and we’re all hoping you get better soon buddy. I’m living proof that coming back from it is possible, so don’t quit.

  8. Amen, Sir. I’m in the same camp… exhaustion. I dunno if I can attribute it to stress, pain or grief but finding energy or motiviation for anything is exhausting in and of itself.

    Add to that a major case of the “Fuck-Its”… Eeesh.

    Eventually, I HOPE… it will become yet another memory.

    SOON, I hope!

  9. Like your mother used to say, eat your vegetables. Also try a B12 supplement. Us old folks need more of that to help maintain our energy. Anyway, hope you get better.

  10. I feel about the same way, but I’ve got an excuse… it’s 106 degrees outside right now.

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