8 thoughts on “Thus, my take yesterday.

  1. Also science, “I will provide absolute proof of whatever anyone is willing to finance me to say.
    Also religion, “I will say what I need to in order for everyone to give me more money.”

    Even Carlos Santana said he believes in the Lord, but doesn’t believe in religion.

    Real science and real religion no longer exist. It is everything to do with protecting one’s own bank account.

    • Christ Jesus said only two religions ye follows; care of widows, and orphans.
      What an odd thing to say unless their was a specific type of person he meant.
      The false prophet, the faker. And warning the people to be ware, be wise, be full of discernment lest you fall to their trap.

      People have not changed in millennia (changed it for you, Cederq)

  2. Most atheists can’t do science either. Sorry, just sayin’.

    Not trying to preach or anything… but




    Today’s top physicists base their models of the universe on 10 dimensional theory … of which you perceive only three. And – of that…you only understand 5%! When our science can explain dark matter, singularities, gravity and time…let me know. But in all that…there’s no room for God? Have it your way… but most atheists don’t understand the flaws and limitations of evolution theory or the Big Bang either. The guys I see that are telling ya they know everything are fake scientists. They’re like fake Christians in that regard.

    The sincere Christian knows he has flaws. The bible gives him a frame work and perspective to see those flaws and to try and deal with them in the best possible way. (That actually makes life infinitely harder than it is for secular folks who don’t have to live up to any moral standards at all).

    It’s easier to stick with the intellectual slackers in the atheist movement. But it’s infinitely more rewarding to make up your own informed opinion by reading AND studying the Bible yourself. The very nature of this poast tells me you don’t have any idea what Christianity actually is. (Not knocking you, I used to think the same way…).

    A rudimentary study of the bible is the only way to arrive at an informed opinion. OyTube is helpful with a channel called The Bible Project. The voices and characters alone are worth the trip. At the very least, you’ll come away understanding the foundation of western civilization, and see how memes like the one here misrepresent Christianity and what it’s all about. Christianity is not about controlling you… it’s about you controlling yourself.

    The church, the faith, and the people are three very different things.

  3. hmmm, trust the science . . . . where have I heard that before?
    “oppositions‭ of science‭ falsely so called”

  4. The entire concept of individual liberty came directly from the unique biblical concept that all men are created equal. The scientific revolution came from the unique biblical idea that God is above nature. Most beautiful art and music was created for the glory of God.

    And as the west abandons God, we are rejecting the sovereignty of the individual and science, worshiping pagan earth gods, and all modern art is ugly.

  5. Well, as some or most of you know, I’m a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. But I’m a pretty poor example, alas – I gotta work on this…

    I will not bore you with Doctrine and Religious Principles. YOU must study the Bible and follow the admonition of James 1:5. Pay attention to the second half of the verse, it’s very important

    .You might want to peruse the Book of Mormon as well, it’s asnother Testament of Jesus Christ and answers a bunch of doctrinal questions.

    Seek, and ye shall find.

    ‘Nuff said.

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