Yeah, this lady pretty much nails how all of us feel, so does the lady in the next video.
And here is your promised Double Plus Good Cherry On Top.

While some people will say that this Tit For Tat because Brib’em yanked Trumps in between runs, this is absolutely in the best interests of National Security.
Everyone now knows without a shadow of a doubt that Joe Biden can’t find his way across the room anymore, it’s the circle of sycophants around him who have just been cut off.
Including that nasty bitch wife of his.
EDIT: Cederq, No flame wars on this blog. If I ban anyone, it won’t be Sedition, he is a hard headed patriot, been far longer commentator then the rest. He keeps to blog etiquette.
I love video #2.
Yes. But I would have finished with “I want your fucking liver.”
Good show, ole man!
#2 wants all their “ shit “
I wanna know which one of you old broken down super men is going to Nancy’s place and get that freezer full of ice cream.
Half of you are already ruled out because you are either suffering from incontinence of your bowels or lactose intolerance.
What hell pelosi’s nightmare did you escape from? Incontinence and a lactose disorder? How long have you been commenting? We are all virile, intact, pureblood examples of stellar manhood!
Thanks for the vote of confidence, Bud!
Heh. I probably wouldn’t want most of their shit. But it would be nice to disgorge their real estate, cash and cash equivalent investment holdings as a means of clawing back some of the grift from which they’ve been direct beneficiaries. Let’s start with the biden, bush, clinton and obammy families for the initial PR push. Then we can work our way down the ranks.
FWIW, Chick #1 is mostly right, but I find her delivery a bit…grating.
I’m all for the “In order to save yourself, you must betray two others” option.
Too bad your mother didn’t swallow you. You DO, however, sound like an abortion survivor.
I said half. You weren’t included.
I had a higher opinion of you and your imagined superior intellect than that. But obviously you couldn’t help but out yourself for being so low IQ. So now that we have that settled get back in your corner and STFU. The men are here now and doing our usual banter. You’re not invited to the party.
Yea, if you’re a man so is Dylan Mulvaney.
Go back and suckle off of one of your two dads tits.
I’ll put my IQ up against yours any day. You couldn’t spell many of the jobs I’ve had.
I don’t accept invitations to partys, I crash them.
Oh my aren’t you the tough guy 🥱
COOL IT! Not on this blog!
Was one of the jobs G-a-y P-o-r-n F-l-u-f-f-e-r?
COOL IT! Not on this blog.
COOL IT! Not on this blog!
It’s only fair. Trump revoked Biden’s clearance because he is senile. Biden revoked Trump’s clearance after they found dozens of boxes of top secret documents in his bathroom, closet and pool house.
Yeah, sure they did.
Hate to break it to ya, Sparky, but the Prez can declassify ANYthing he pleases when in office. The Veep CANNOT. Joe BiteMe viloated security, The Don did not.
Nice try. Learn the law instead of talking points.
Now do this for Obozo the SCOAMF who has LONG been an agent for islam….
Oh no. How is Hunter going to maintain his foreign consulting gigs now?
I would watch women tell me what I and every other red-blooded man should do in this country but I don’t listen to Stronk Independant (or now Trad) Wahmens talking.
I’m not hard-up to see boobies when the yap is moving, and it’s been a few decades of this same tripe on every TV and computer screen incessantly.
It must be the new version of having a black guy explain about anything that is fucking obvious and giving kudos because you’re not racist and he’s so brave and shit.
In the immortal words of that leaf-cuck J.Peterson, “Wash your penis.”
Wait until they find out how many Republicans have been on the take from USAID. LOL
Roughly, every RINO that’s been voting with the Democrats for the last twenty years.
Trump you should do it with all old Presidents, Department, and Agency people no longer in government. Once a person leaves government they should have their security clearance removed.
I know they yanked my clearance quick enough when I checked out of the Navy.
I ain’t sweating the leg humpers, Ced…got pulled into a bigger rabbit hole to deal with.
There’s new technology out there that I’ve been following for a few months that made me edgy as-is, but I got a message that really changes things.
There’s a new quantum chip out called “Willow”. It can solve computations that the best conventional supercomputers would take 10 septillion (that is, 10 to the 25th) years in less than 5 minutes.
I have little doubt that some agency of the .fed have already gained access to this, but I’ve gotten word that some “private entity or individual” may have gotten hold of it as well. They gave no hint as to who and I, so far, have no way to verify the message.
Not a good thing. Passwords, no matter how complex, brute-forced in less than a second.
No problem…my hard drives are encrypted. Yea…encryption will be cracked in less than a minute…probably seconds.
I would say that anyone who has sensitive info on their computers to back them up off line (thumb drive, cd/dvd, or external hard drive), but just think of all the companies/entities out there who already have our CC numbers, SSN, banking account info, medical info, blah, blah, blah…
Nothing in the digital world with an online presence, is safe. I don’t know of a single person or company that has a defense to this.
He doesn’t dumb it down very well, but for those who can follow, be afraid…
Not good. And, I can follow him. Not good.