Yeah, this lady pretty much nails how all of us feel, so does the lady in the next video.
And here is your promised Double Plus Good Cherry On Top.
While some people will say that this Tit For Tat because Brib’em yanked Trumps in between runs, this is absolutely in the best interests of National Security.
Everyone now knows without a shadow of a doubt that Joe Biden can’t find his way across the room anymore, it’s the circle of sycophants around him who have just been cut off.
Including that nasty bitch wife of his.
I love video #2.
Good show, ole man!
#2 wants all their “ shit “
I wanna know which one of you old broken down super men is going to Nancy’s place and get that freezer full of ice cream.
Half of you are already ruled out because you are either suffering from incontinence of your bowels or lactose intolerance.
What hell pelosi’s nightmare did you escape from? Incontinence and a lactose disorder? How long have you been commenting? We are all virile, intact, pureblood examples of stellar manhood!
Heh. I probably wouldn’t want most of their shit. But it would be nice to disgorge their real estate, cash and cash equivalent investment holdings as a means of clawing back some of the grift from which they’ve been direct beneficiaries. Let’s start with the biden, bush, clinton and obammy families for the initial PR push. Then we can work our way down the ranks.
FWIW, Chick #1 is mostly right, but I find her delivery a bit…grating.