I owned a series of parrots when a kid and actually did train one to say almost that.
It was ” Woof, woof, I’m a dog, give me a bone”
Drove mom nuts as the dog bark and word clarity was a perfect rendition, dad thought it was hilarious.
African Greys…. A friend owned one and it was SO spot on at mimicking her husband she HAD to re-home the bird after he passed away.
Not to mention that her husband taught the thing to curse.
In his thick British Accent…. with free and easy use of the big C.
I was quite fond of the Bird and the Man himself.
7 first name not last, then add count of monte christo
11 run dryer vent hose from bathroom fan thru suspended ceiling across hall to shitty production managers office.
For added bonus turn water off, flush toilet, take a shit while he’s holding a meeting in there.
Walk out and get the looks without laughing.
Simple. EFFECTIVE and utterly BRILLIANT.
I salute you, SIR!
What would be more effective? I think it’s regional… Duke’s vs. Hellman’s vs Kraft?
Here in SW FLawduh… Especially in the “rural” areas of Lee County, it would HAVE to be Duke’s in order to be believable.
Even our mouth breathing, knuckle dragging, whisker drooling, hare lipped, cross eyed, in-bred, puppy humping, motherfarkers would spot a fake… if you weren’t eating that pudding from a jar of DUKE’s they would just point and laugh!
Most of those have a lot of promise…
I’m gonna try #1 tomorrow; gotta buy the vanilla pudding first.
I owned a series of parrots when a kid and actually did train one to say almost that.
It was ” Woof, woof, I’m a dog, give me a bone”
Drove mom nuts as the dog bark and word clarity was a perfect rendition, dad thought it was hilarious.
African Greys…. A friend owned one and it was SO spot on at mimicking her husband she HAD to re-home the bird after he passed away.
Not to mention that her husband taught the thing to curse.
In his thick British Accent…. with free and easy use of the big C.
I was quite fond of the Bird and the Man himself.
7 first name not last, then add count of monte christo
11 run dryer vent hose from bathroom fan thru suspended ceiling across hall to shitty production managers office.
For added bonus turn water off, flush toilet, take a shit while he’s holding a meeting in there.
Walk out and get the looks without laughing.
Simple. EFFECTIVE and utterly BRILLIANT.
I salute you, SIR!
What would be more effective? I think it’s regional… Duke’s vs. Hellman’s vs Kraft?
Here in SW FLawduh… Especially in the “rural” areas of Lee County, it would HAVE to be Duke’s in order to be believable.
Even our mouth breathing, knuckle dragging, whisker drooling, hare lipped, cross eyed, in-bred, puppy humping, motherfarkers would spot a fake… if you weren’t eating that pudding from a jar of DUKE’s they would just point and laugh!
It’s got that TWANG!
Wrong thread?
Twang, so did the punch in “Hollywood Knights”