This is Yuge

By invoking a National Emergency, Trump is shit canning all of the regulatory strangle holds the Tree Huggers have burdened the Timber Industry with over the last 50 years.

Spotted Owl is on the menu again boys.

BREAKING: President Trump just signed an Executive Order terminating all regulations & processes that delay the production of timber, lumber, paper, bioenergy, and other wood products. It’s time to cut trees and use them to make houses, & other things affordable again. “The United States has an abundance of timber resources that are more than adequate to meet our domestic timber production needs, but heavy-handed Federal policies have prevented full utilization of these resources and made us reliant on foreign producers.”

This is going to trigger a huge economic boom here in Western Washington state, Western Oregon too.

The timber Industry has been wiped out over the last 50 years in these areas.

Companies like Weyerhauser still own hundred of thousands, if not millions of acres of timber in both states.

Modern technology will replace the lumber mills of old and if they fast track the investments it could well be within a year, a burdgeoning new Lumber Industry could see truck loads of logs coming out of the forests bumper to bumper again.

Small lumber towns will be revitalized and shattered economies will spring back to life.

It will also go a long ways towards preventing the monsterous wild fires that have become all too common over the years by thinning over crowded forests and getting rid of the fuel they thrive on.

Lumber prices will come down allowing contractors to start building more affordable homes by the thousands.

Win, Win, Win.

This could be bigger than most people can even comprehend.

6 thoughts on “This is Yuge

  1. just dont export these gd fruits of our land & labor unless we have a good surplus, even then dont sell to fukkn enemies

  2. Keep in mind the PNW is full of Earth First! violent eco freaks and other brain-dead, pot-smoking Red-Diaper-Doper-Babies. Look for an uptick in sabotage.

  3. As long as they are not clear cutting and not replacing growth with new plantings. We have a lot of trees…but could end up with no trees if greedy businessmen are allowed to do whatever they want.

    • Forest companies used to plant quite a few replacement trees for future growth. No reason to have all the wasted wood rot into the ground. We can do this sustainably.

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