This Is Why RFK Jr.’s Tasks Are So Critical

Listen to the stats this lady rattles off and realize that we have all been and are being, poisoned.

Every Fucking Day.

Chem trails, food additives, Medicines, weed control chemicals, vaccines, our entire environment is a toxic stew.

And every bit of it is intentional.

These are the results,

Know ye well that Big AG and Big Pharma are going to do everything possible to stop him from fixing this shit too.

7 thoughts on “This Is Why RFK Jr.’s Tasks Are So Critical

  1. Excellent snapshot of the problems we face. Do you really believe Trump has any interest in solving any of them? Look at his nominees and advisors – billionaires corporate lobbyists and TV personalities. I’m not optimistic.

    • True, Doesn’t matter what good ideas RFK has, Trump always follows the money.

  2. I bought a small farm 3 years ago and it has been a learning experience. I don’t raise animals, I raise grass. Good grass leads to good animals. Understanding the soil biome leads you to learn that pesticides and herbicides are about killing the soil, some of those unintended consequences. We’ve known how to rebuild healthy soil since the 1960s when regenerative grazing was studied and still is. But our modern industry will put any farmer out of business who tries to back away from our current monoculture methodology.

    If you want to improve your health, follow the science. Understand the role of insulin on health. Get rid of processed foods, carbs, grains, and sugar. Get your meat from a local farmer, and make sure it is grass-fed only. It will taste different than your grain-fed beef. Some call it gamey, to me it has more flavor. Carbs/sugar are psychologically addictive as well as physical. I can attest to both. The women will fight hardest, they have a greater affinity for carbs.

    This means no beer or wine as well, although hard liquor is acceptable if you must have alcohol.

    And exercise daily if you can. Walking is sufficient, weights are good, or body weight exercises. Get sunshine. The diet science has been known for a while, the impact of Vit D on the immune system and health is recent and surprising. Hiding from the sun has been a factor in ill health. So have vaccines. As I have looked at the health statistics, I’ve come to believe vaccines in general are doing more harm than good. The correlation between the number of vaccines given to children and the autisim rate is glaring, yet no one has studied it. Correlation is not causation, but it is the starting point for an investigation. It is certain that our modern lifestyle is involved and it may be the interaction of several things. As a past root cause investigator, I note the correlation with alarm. However, diet and chemical use are in the mix.

    After that, its genetics.

    OBTW, look at your household cleaners. Vinegar is sufficient. Our bodies deal very well with germs unless we impair our immune systems. Cancer is also an immune system failure. Strange we study how to treat cancer and not prevent it.

    RFK does indeed have his work cut out for him.

  3. (((THEY))) want us sick, impoverished, brain dead, enslaved and enough of us DEAD for a “sustainable environMINT” (hat tip Filthie).
    It’s (((THEM))). Every. Single. Time.

    • No, that’s a different, sub group. Chemtrails are their own category.

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