1. That hammer needs to be applied to her head. Then thw frill bit won’t be the only thing that isn’t walking.

  2. At the cheapest, that is a $152 set of Digimatics from MSC Direct.

    Certified with a traceable calibration document is $370.

    The cost of her impending dental work would be astronomical!

    I have precision measuring tools that are older than I am, because they were the respected equipment of Tradesmen. They still are accurate because I value their history and their worth.
    Shit like this just infuriates me.

    Whitehall, NY

    • No, she did that to a brand new set of Mitutoyas, on Amazon for only $260ish non-certified.

      Says so on the box right in front of her.

      Engineer my ass.

      • Digimatic is the model, Mitutoyo is the brand. Says so, right on the box: ” Mitutoyo Digimatic Caliper”. Hence why we call them Digimatics. I’ve been using this style of digital caliper for years.

        Like I said, the cheapest pair I found on MSC was $152.

        Whitehall, NY

        • Ah, my bad. Thanks for the correction.

          She still needs to be hit with the claw end of a framing hammer.

    • Agreed – I think that I married the bitch – it’s an estrogen thing, which apparently fries the logic chip, yet leaves the biped with no clue that they are , and are being, a clucking funt.

      • On 2nd thought (I didn’t want to look at ‘it’ closely) the comments correctly point out that it is mike robinson’s white cousin, so I didn’t marry it, but they do share that estrogen/logic fried condition. Please pass the freaking eye bleach.

  3. Sure that’s not a set from Harbor Freight?
    Gotta say, the Mitutoyo box adds to the gag.


    • No, Jim. Those are Mitutoyo’s.
      If you click the MSC link, you can see they are identical. They even say, “Absolute ADS Digimatic” where it is supposed to – right before she smacks it with a hammer.
      Wonder how she’d feel about me mixing fiberglass resin with her Kitchen Aid mixer? Or cleaning a set of small block heads in her dishwasher? All fun and games, right?

      Whitehall, NY

      • Not to mention putting a M1 Garand stock in a her dishwasher.
        It is sad that people do not have what was known when I was a kid as “walking around sense”. I was raised on a farm and got what I consider to be a decent amount of “good rasings”, skills, etc. I knew people growing up who didn’t finish the third grade, but they could weld two watermelon rinds together and the same with others when it comes to mechanical abilities. However, beside some of these younguns today my advanced peers from days of yore would be like Henry Ford, Jonas Salk, Thomas Edison, etc. I admit things look abysmal for our future, but every now and again, some kid will make smile and I believe again, at least for a while. LOL

  4. She should have used the pointy top of her head then had someone smash it with a post maul.
    It may not have made a mark on the steel, however it would have saved the calipers, which are infinitely more important.

  5. And why is she using a claw hammer? She doesn’t have the sense God gave a common dog!

  6. yeah. they not her tools. and also the reason why anything they do make or build
    fails. and if this is what is coming out of schools today , the country is fucked.
    have a few run ins with the younger engineers . common sense is not a big thing with most of them.

    • Definitely a tranny, so no useful advice to be gleaned from this freak. Not that I suggest doing so, but a little online detective work bore out the truth easily enough. Apparently has an only fans (linked via HIS Instagram), and no I didn’t check out the OF.

      This is in the same vein (heh) as that Sarah -n- Tuned tranny that does car review and repair videos and is always getting pushed by the jootube algo. Absolutely pukeworthy. Keep your gaydar finely tuned gents, this shit is getting way too common.

  7. I’m not going to lie. I cried. I use precision calipers every day. To measure precision aircraft parts. I hate.

  8. Methinks her daddy is going to be using a belt on her ass next time he needs that caliper gauge.

    • His daddy probably hanged himself with a belt after seeing his son become a transfaggot, and then mugging for attention on tiktok. That’s an irrecoverable failure of parenting right there. And I’ll bet this now (poorly) feminized dude was pushed along by his mother.

      Only thing this weirdo engineered was his own destruction

  9. Attention and clicks generates revenue in media. Doesn’t matter WHY you clicked, it matters IF you clicked. Outrage generates a lot of clicks, and this person has monetized his haters. I assume this video isn’t serious, and nobody actually uses a caliper as a handled center punch.

  10. Dear God, PLEASE tell me this was a joke. Please. I beg you!! It’s just gotta be a setup…

    • P.S. – when I don’t have a punch handy, I use an 8d finishing nail (one hit only) as a punch. Works just fine!

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