23 thoughts on “This Is The Guy Who Wants To Completely Control Your Life

  1. WTAF? We can now all think fondly back on the days when our worst mental image was J. Edgar Hoover in a dress.

  2. mock this fucking fool every chance you can get. and mock all of the assholes that suck up to this piece of shit too. as my dad used to say, well, “the six pack might be all there, but the ringie things is long gone”
    the bad part is, thus clown owns a mirror too. just look at the fool, he spent some time getting the look “just right”
    and people wonder why I wish some body would just nuked the damn place when all of these assholes are there. or hell, crazed shooter would work too.
    but a good size nuke would make sure though.

  3. Of the four images in the memes one is clearly Schwab, in his “Dr Evil” garb. How viable are the other ones for authenticity?
    I’d like to use them to degrade whatever standing he has, but not if they’re just Photoshopped fakes. That can just backfire, a poor strategy.
    Also, Phil, can you please put such images behind some kind of screen, with a warning sign attached? My eyes are failing, you’ve done me no favours by searing that onto my optics.

    • Lucky for you that an ocean separates us.
      Otherwise I’d duct tape your eyes wide open, pump you full of psychedelics and make you stare at them for a couple days.

  4. I got a comment from Deathray about Klausie’s pics. Now, he didn’t say as much, but I reckon he’s thinking that with one of Rachel Levine’s wigs, old Klausie might not be too bad a companion in the mountain shack during a long bad blizzard, so long as there was smoke from the fire and he didn’t turn up the flame on the hurricane lantern’s wick too high.
    If they get really bored, Klaus can always do his Colonel Klink impression!

  5. The picture of “Klaus Schwab” walking on the beach is not Klaus Schwab. Picture is of a regular visitor at Key West. This picture has been circulating with wrong info for a long time.

    • That doesn’t detract from the reality that Klaus is not a normal human being.

      Same old story, Demonrats and their ilk can lie cheat and steal and do it when telling the truth would serve their cause in a better fashion.

      However, a conservative, because of some unwritten rule, must always tell the truth.

      Then people wonder why conservatives are always playing defense.

  6. thanks fact chukkers

    fake or not, doesnt matter…these people don’t need or deserve any defense and i sure as fuck didnt need the pics to further my disdain for these types

    • No, he’s right. If you use faked pics you destroy your credibility….and then you are just as bad as the Leftists that you hate so much.

      • maybe when attempting to degrade an otherwise upstanding person, in this case no credibility is at play or needed

        just call it satire, hollywood style, where their goal has always been to humorize men in dresses

  7. I don’t give a fuck how he lives his life. I DO give a fuck that he thinks he can tell me how to live MY life. I won’t bend one inch for him or anyone like him. Period.

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