16 thoughts on “This is the extent of my Christmas…

  1. That’s close to mine. I have a little tree, about 6″ high, that I grabbed from a Jack-in-the-Box years ago. I stick that on the mantel, and my decoration is done.

  2. Pretty festive, compared to mine, which is nothing at all. Very creative with the clothespin though.

  3. Years ago I made a 4′ tall Christmas tree that had an actual “string” of two-color T3 Two-color LED lights – they actually blinked (I was showing off my prowess at circuit design, it was actually a piece o’ cake). It was sitting on top of a 3″ square box that was decorated like a present, complete with bow. In the box was a 9v battery, a 555 timer, a 5-volt regulator, and two IC’s – a 7406 and a 7407. Throw in a RC circuit for the timing on the 555, and you have a two-color flashing light string! Soldering those darn small LEDs on stiff small wires (I used the smallest wire-wrap wire I could find) to make sure the string would stay on the tree! They don’t sell these types if LEDs any more unless you go to Mouser Electronics, the industry has moved on and sells even smaller ones for clothes, models, etc.

    It was the smallest entry in the Christmas “ornament ” contest, too. I still have it, still works. BTW, runs for about 3 weeks continuously on one battery.
    This was about 25 years ago or so…

  4. I got my Harley Davidson elf holding a spark plug in a stocking hanging up, so there’s that…

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