11 thoughts on “This is in my state of Oregon, me and a whole lot more are ineligible. Great Replacement indeed…

  1. “Learn Spanish” they said back in the 90’s “so your construction business survives”.
    This has been going on for decades, but we’re near the point Whitey ain’t gonna take it no more.
    Time for the Spic and Span Project to be implemented.

    • yeah, there are a lot of fed up people here in the hills of pa.
      if Harris /Waltz gets in, I figure it might start in a few months after that. more so if they plan on keeping up with this bullshit.
      as it is now, there are a lot of people pissed at the fact that illegals
      are getting more than them after paying into the “system” for 40 years or more. one thing you don’t see around here ? Harris or Biden signs anywhere.

  2. I’m too old to fight; I’m too old to learn a new language; I fled Clackamas when I saw this coming ’bout ten years ago.
    Even then, it had become a fight between California, Oregon, and Washington just which state could become more Marxist quicker and the fight still hasn’t ended.
    Puede entender ahora?

    • Damn, I grew up in the county of Crackamass as you Boron? I am from Canby… I know it sucked started when I got back from the Army in Dec 1979 and joined Clackamas County Sheriff Reserves and did not last a year. I knew I would shoot someone or shoot a deputy, crooked and hot dogs that they were.

  3. They keep ratcheting up the infuriating Bullschitt,, because they need us to get pisstawff enough to stand up, so they can declare martial law.
    Mike Brown, hands up, don’t shoot,,they HAD the bodycam evidence that PROVED the cop’s story was truthful. They withheld it, ongoing investigation.
    Finally they were Forced to produce it. It PROVED there was no need for further investigation. It PROVED Mr. Brown deserved to get shot.
    But they kept it back and let the media sow racial division, hoping for a race war.

    Wake DaFuq UP..

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  5. California’s already doing this under the guise of “affordable housing.” There’s no stipulation that you need to be a legal resident of the United States to get the loans either. These people won’t quit until they’ve run out of everyone else’s money!

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