This Is How Big The Flooding Got In Western North Carolina During Hurricane Helene (Updated, Once Again I Am Misled And Missed It).

This gives you an excellent visual of the scope of the flooding in INDIA for fuck’s sake.

Eagle eyed commenter theswede  pointed out what I missed, the names of the towns are in India for fuck’s sake.

Once again I had good intentions and got fucked for not paying close enough attention.


And here 50 some days later there are still people living in fucking tents now that the temperatures are down into the 20’s and a wind chill of -8 degrees.

There are government officials who need to go to fucking jail over the intentional lack of disaster response here.

16 thoughts on “This Is How Big The Flooding Got In Western North Carolina During Hurricane Helene (Updated, Once Again I Am Misled And Missed It).

  1. Please read the names on the towns listed on your map and then look them up. I agree with your intent but factually what you have posted was incorrect. The village name listed in the graphic relate to a landslide in the Indian subcontinent in 2024.

      • It happens to the best of us.
        Last radio report I heard early in the week was there are still 3700 people still unaccounted for, let alone what the people we know about are going through.

      • well, pain does dull your “view” on things.
        this I do know has happened to me over the years.
        then again, thinking on pain meds is not all that great either.
        the problem is you get used to it and never realize that your view is a bit slanted. my dad’s side is eastern hillbilly in KY.
        they never build near the water and always uphill.
        grandpa house and farm where built that way. and he built 2 of
        everything. 2 barns and root cellars and always a good 100 yards apart if not more.
        he was a wise old man when I think back about his place.
        well placed and well made. as a kid, I loved it when we went there of a couple of weeks each summer.

  2. Pingback: Let’s See If I Can Get This One Right | Bustednuckles

  3. Details, details, details,,
    Where the People Are who are suffering while our government wastes our money isn’t on That map.. Mehh,, Oopsies..

  4. Here’s a pointed disparity in what illegals get compared to citizens:

    Maybe one of you could embed the pic/meme instead of having to highlight/click, with proper attribution to 90 Miles From Tyranny, of course.

  5. The government will not “allow” these people to live in tiny homes on their own land. Our government is evil.

  6. The 500lb gorilla in the room is that, while Phil made a mistake in his post, it’s an easy one to make given the track record of our ‘leaders’.

    There was a time when most people would never believe that the the US government, or the governments of any ally to the US, would ever show the level of contempt and neglect to their own people the way we commonly see today.

    This is a sign of the times. The video wasn’t North Carolina, sure. But it just as plausible that it could have been.

  7. ” government officials who need to go to fucking jail”


    They need to be tied to trees or power poles, buck naked and let nature take its course

  8. BMR posted a email he got from a man who was high enough he wasn’t material affected by Helena but is a retire state police. Gave a very good account of what had happened and the description and devastation that was ongoing.
    My thought on FEMA is that most distasters are on somewhat flat land that have paved roads. They had no idea how to get into these places let alone how to get up to people who needed help. Bunch of Ahole anyway. Have a friend who’s been working disaster relief for 5 or more years. Left Fl disaster to come home and get the proper clothes and went to Asheville. He been home once and slept for 2 days and went back. All together he’s now been working 68 days with 6 days off. Said it was worse than anything he had ever seen and worse than we could imagine.

  9. I live on the coast of Mississloppi and was here for Katrina. The first assistance to arrive was every imaginable (dis)organized group. Later, Red Cross, Nat’l Guard. The private citizen(s) showed up, by the grace of God, found perfect central locations to distribute from and got to it. They came, self-sufficient for the time they’d be here. It was overwhelming to have faith in humanity restored…again and again. I despised the “disaster tourists”, only later realizing how valuable their photos would be to tell/show the unbelievable extent of damage and unfathomable depth of immediate need. God bless them. That was 2005. The southern part of this state has never fully recovered…since 2005.

    Shortly after, the BP oil platform explosion affecting Gulf states’ coasts and marshes. Private groups were boating out to capture as much oil as possible to prevent it from reaching the coastlines. The fed king put every possible legal obstacle in their way. Even though the feds had no plan nor equipment nor operators of such equipment. The awful infection came in on the tides and the seafood economy would suffer immeasurable devastation for years. The domino effect from that alone… And the tourism industry from Florida to Texas… It was more than a story with pics about some greasy sea birds. Every thing and every one employed for beach weddings, sports fishing, adventure and history tourism, casinos. Domino after domino. The federal government allowed it.

    In both cases, too many small businesses simply didn’t survive. Large industries and corporations lost their facilities (more unemployed). How would families survive with sudden zero income? Dominoes. How do you qualify or repay an 18 month SBA loan with those elephants?

    FEMA checks. No where to use them. If you feel an urge to help in some way, find a local church or group who is going to a disaster site. Ask what is needed, buy it, donate it to them. Think of unsexy needs: diapers(!), gloves, fem hygiene pads, underwear all sizes, ages and BOTH sexes. Cold and headache remedies in any size, dollar store readers in any strength, deodorant, socks. Don’t send unclean or worn out crap, fancy clothes/shoes, ice hockey accessories. <–not effin' kidding. Give the caravan group a 5 gallon gas can and offer to fill it for the trip. I don't ever give money, ever.
    ~ mississloppigarro

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