Just another mechanism for control and Satan worship. A lot of fancy marketing and weasel words to get you to participate in your pleasurable enslavement. The irony is you have to buy or rent the ‘Orb” to sucker people into control. That is all this is, a way for one world currency and control. The premise is you have to verify you are human. What, me standing in front of you with bad breath, belching and farting and dressing funny doesn’t prove I am a homo sapiens sapiens? A wise human (Homo is the Latin word for ‘human’ or ‘man’ and sapiens is derived from a Latin word that means ‘wise’ or ‘astute’), not so much.
F#ck them & their orb.
Depending on its weight, I’d either dropkick it as far as I could, or I’d see how high it bounces on concrete.
I don’t know. If it’s like the Orb from the movie Sleeper, I’ll take two.
Maybe a decade ago I received a phone call from a guy that was in my chain of command. He told me that on this day and time I was to go to a parking lot in back of a large public building. There was going to be a white tractor trailer there and I was to go in the door on the passenger side. I was to have a few different types of ID’s with me. I was told that I would have my picture taken and then I would be issued a new type of identification that I was to keep with me but not display until directed to do so.
This lead to my asking questions. I was told that it wouldn’t be replacing our current cards that were issued annually. Not everyone would be issued the different card. And that it would be used to verify me in the case of a declared emergency. That travel might be restricted and other outside agencies could be involved, and that I was considered “essential.” So that only made for some more questions. I could detect some frustration from my supervisor at the questions I was asking. Like what type of declaration would happen that I would need to show the ID that the people I work with wouldn’t already know who I was. Was this a requirement for me to continue with my job? Long story short, it was a facial recognition photo with a iris scan . I didn’t show up for the appointment. I did drive there and sat some distance away to observe. I didn’t recognize a single person I saw entering or leaving. Later I got another call asking why I didn’t keep the appointment. I said it sounded like Big Brother to me and I wasn’t going to do it on religious grounds. I was promptly told that I was a asshole and hung up on. I never heard another word about it and even asked a few people I worked with if they had gotten a call or ordered to do it. Not one of them had heard anything about it. I’ve played it over in my head many times since then. It was certainly a curious experience to be put in. Seeing how things were played out a few years ago and continuing today, I’m more than happy not to be involved with any of it now.
You probably “dodged a bullet” on that…
I actually watched that video a couple times with my jaw on the floor. Now why would I need a team of community orb people to verify if I was human? I was very creeped out by this video. Thanks for the shout out Cederq.
Go put it on the fence post don past the shed….
A .22 “Stinger” should do the job….
if not … we’ll get the 7x56R Mosin…
How to receive the “Mark of the Beast” without anything physical being done to you.
How to become a minion cyborg for Satans Singularity, without really trying. We’re already “hackable”, this just makes it easier and the “take” harder. Those that got the clot shot (and didn’t die or become disabled) are pre wired for this. Much of this crew are probably headed to being “the remnant”. These things will likely start showing up at yer local store check out. Watch yer six and 12 and SQUINT hard.