12 thoughts on “This, Is Going To Blow Your Mind

  1. From the website:
    “The line separating humans from machines is gradually becoming thinner. What if this modular organism could be the model for a modular human body?”

    I’ll keep a 12 Gauge handy in case it needs to be turned back into hamburger.

  2. I looked around the story page, it’s all fiction, and I saw it said, “OSCAR is kept alive with blood taken from Vlasman and is continually vaccinated against infections, as it has no immune system. ” That shows it’s not just fiction, but stupid fiction. Vaccines protect you by getting your immune system to do specific things (depending on the type of vaccine, real or mRNA “jab”). Vaccinating someone (something) without any kind of immune system would be like vaccinating trees.

    • Bloody hell!
      Someone on this site with an education!

      “Big fish in small ponds” comes to mind but I salute you, SiG

      • Old, you will find most of us have had upper level education in one form or another. University of hard knocks and busted knuckles is just as applicable as a college educated person or idiot depending on view…

  3. That is some nasty stuff.

    I remember dad telling me about dissecting frogs in high school. They’d get the hearts pumping again by putting them in a little salt water in a dish. They used fresh frogs. We used baby pigs that were soaked in some nasty smelling something and had their veins and arterys filled with colored latex.

  4. Legos for iologists. Of course this is fake, but it’s not for lack of trying!

  5. Would be terrible if this became reality one day and war vet amputees could get a new limb or kids that survived meningitis could replace lost body parts.
    Let’s just hope doom-mongers don’t prevent the necessary research and practical steps it’ll take to get to that point, eh?

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