8 thoughts on “This Is Fine

  1. Fine with me as well. Fire, piano wire,guillotine, next to a wall, rope. It all works.

  2. Lessons Britain must learn updated:

    Horses fear scattered marbles and ball bearings,

    Leave your phones at home, this is how they track and identify you.

    Masks aren’t just for the invaders.

    Use the mob as COVER, not as the tool.

    Read the histories of guerrilla warfare, this will be on the test. Free online.

    Remove the dyke, not the water, the water will remove itself. *********************************************************

    Invisible, uncredited, unknown is best.

    Food is a weapon.

    Learn metal crafts, it’s a slam bang you’re gonna need it.

    When the authorities gather at “X” , do your best work at “Y”. Don’t be where they are.

    Fire is a faithful servant, but a terrifying master.

    Place a stone in your shoe, stay up-to date on how to fool cctv and AI.

    Top down, always top down.

    Silly string, 5$, …blind cameras, priceless.

    Barbed wire and epoxy are cheap.

    Wasp spray shoots 30 feet accurately.

    Use proxies.

    Befriend an actual warrior.

    Withdraw everything you can from the enemy,
    especially your children,
    this is war, act like it.


    Feel free to add advice for the Brits. I’m collecting it from commenters.

    • Put your phone in an RF container (like aluminum wrap) and carry in case you absolutely NEED it.
      POM works at 15-20 feet accurately and is easier to carry several…
      Make and carry caltrops in you car and maybe on your person. Horses don’t like ’em either.
      Build and carry a 5-watt laser. No recoil. They can’t shoot you if they can’t SEE. Or, carry one of those flashlights that are exceedingly BRIGHT.
      Electricity is necessary for our civilization to run. So is oil. Learn the choke points.

      • Please explain what POM means. I googled the acronym but everything that came up didn’t jive with the rest of your items. TY

      • Be careful with electricity. Yes you can disable it, however if word gets out that the resistance is the reason why people are freezing or broiling in their homes, they’ll hate you and rat you out to the cops.

        Disable it in a manner that is very difficult to determine why it’s not working, but easy enough to fix.

        In other words, leave the transformers and high voltage insulators alone. Screw up the control systems. Clear plastic tape on the finger connectors of circuit boards and bus connectors are very hard to detect, but easy to fix when you know where the tape is.

        Make friends with someone who works for the electric company in the distribution control room. They’ll know where to put the tape so that the managers won’t be able to figure it out.

        Armies have a logistics tail that is 10 times the size of the spearhead. Armies, airplanes and cop cars run on gasoline, diesel and jet fuel. Make it hard or impossible for them to get.

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