8 thoughts on “This Is Fine.

  1. This is a controlled demolition. I hope you’re all taking names, because it’s going to be critical when the time comes to know who is trustworthy.
    We know who is behind this invasion.

  2. Holy Shitake Mushrooms. And they are worried about impeaching butthole sniffer biden for a few billion dollars. Kill that sob and let’s hit these fuckers comin across and sterilize this shit. Our government has sold us down the shithole.

  3. I have maintained for years to people, you have no idea what’s coming our way, no clue as to it’s inevitable outcome of diseases and pathogens we have no defense, no immunity from them. We are going to see death here on a scale better then the bubonic plague, the Black Death. You see a hispanic, a black, a moslem man or woman, even a child and you are going to have to shoot them and then use a flame thrower to incinerate them on the spot. Those diseases don’t disappear when you annihilate them. The pathogen is still present and in some cases can encapsulate into spores and survive to re-infect. The medical community, the CDC and FDA , U.S. Army Medical Research and Materiel Command, Medical Research and Development Command, U.S. Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases, similar Navy and Air Force Commands, major research hospitals and universities all know this is happening and the pharma/medical industrial complexes are salivating over the enormous profit potential for this. You would pay what ever it took to save your wife, children, family members. This would be akin to the movie World War Z. If I haven’t scared the shit out of you, I don’t really know what I can present and clarify the world of shit we are in, a favorite soldier’s lament. YOUR HEART WILL HARDEN, IF NOT, YOU DIE.

    • yup. the four horsemen will ride again. this time it will be here.
      location will mean a lot more soon as the cities become hellholes
      and think of all the illegals coming to a town/city near you.
      they putting the kids in schools without checking them- not a good idea. and do not forget all of the assholes helping this shit along too.
      most people have no idea of just how bad it can get too.
      not something I wanted to see happen here. but here we are.

  4. Bring out yer dead! Is it going to come to that? Good thing I have my smallpox vaccination scar. I’m covered, right? Right?

    The obvious and deliberate infiltration of the USA with all manner of diseases. And the influx of worthless welfare recipients sucking the tit of the government, which is of course, the tit of the taxpayers.

    • You and I have been inoculated against smallpox and smallpox has supposedly been eradicated world wide because every countrty inoculates against it.

      However, if the tetanus (the lockjaw vaccine) vaccine supposedly loses effectiveness over time, i.e. it needs to be re-administered every ten years, why doesn’t the smallpox vaccine lose effectiveness over time?

      • Nemo, there have been studies the tetanus efficacy does not lose effectiveness over time. Your immune response has been primed and matured against the pathogen, clostridium tetani. It is everywhere, your house dust, soil, animal faeces. The spore stage of C.tetani can live for years and is not effected by temperatures to above boiling and freezing temps. Hygiene and proper wound care have done more to reduce infection of this pathogen and other diseases than vaccine have. The reason this medical lie continues is big medical/pharma profits.

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