I have been rather out of it for most of the week as you may know. I did just barely manage to make it through 8 hours at work today but it was the longest day of the year.
Gas has come down locally to just under $4 a gallon. If I feel a little better sometime this weekend I may go fill up a couple of cans with real gas.
Other than that I am still far from feeling good and plan on doing my best impression of a barnacle on a boat hull in this recliner.
The wife is still worse than I ever was and that sucks.
So what are you seeing in your neck of the woods?
Situation Normal, All Fucked Up?
Is the world still coming apart at the seams where you are too?
Speak up dammit, you really should get over that shyness issue.
This is a great place to do just that.

Regular ethanol tainted gasoline about $2.70/gal around East Texas. I noticed that the local food store chain’s weekly brochure was a folded single, i.e., one sheet printed on both sides, folded to make 4 pages. It’s usually 6-8 total pages. Shelf stock is still healthy though. We had the first murder in our county for the year last month. Which is 100% more than we had all of last year. Drunk dumbass squeezing off rounds at another drunk in an argument at a convenience store. Dropped a 19-yo kid filling his truck with gas instead of his rival. Hard to get much sadder than that.
3 days of snow and howling wind.
Throw another log in the wood stove.
Not going out in it except to carry in more wood.
I’ll clean it up when it quits.
All’s quiet on the Washington/Idaho border. Gas still 50 cents/gal cheaper in Idaho. Wifely Unit bought a dozen eggs at the quickie mart a block or two from us and just about gagged at the $6/dozen price. Shelves fully stocked around here AFAIK.
Natural Gas/Electricity/water still relatively low. Things relatively quiet, no riots locally but Seattle and Portland are ‘nother story… Starlink hasn’t raised rates yet, they may not for a while yet. Cell phone and landline rates slowly climbing.
Temps are normal, snowfall is okay, I still have my Jeep to fix because Rock Auto sent me 9 incorrect lifters. Long story. Wife and Middle Daughtersaurus birthdays being celebrated this weekend, they are 4 days apart.
Still fat, dumb, and happy.
Can you elaborate on that?
Nev’mind, CederQ (or you) killed those two posts. Cancel last.
For all you readers, two replies popped up that were a single line of (supposedly) random letters which CederQ promptly deleted and blackholed the sender.
We were both wondering if it was some encrypted message along the lines of “The chicken is in the pot”, or “The one-legged man is blind” style of messaging for some sooper-sekret activity!
Did you try the soup recipe?
Haven’t had a chance yet. I went 36 hours without eating anything, then the wife ordered in pizza because she was too sick to cook and I had a piece of that last night, three slices today at work and finished one off just a few minutes ago.
If, and it’s a Big if, I can get to the store tomorrow, I will snag the ingredients.
I went and got the ingredients today. It looks simple as hell.
Now it’s a matter of finding a way to get it going without the wife pitching a giant fit.
I’m telling ya, she has been downright bitchy lately, I can do nothing right. Nothing.
She is right on the ragged edge of being told to straighten the fuck up because I am fucking tired of it.
No more of the Chicago mayor. No. Just no. Don’t make me yell.
But then these meme’s would stop and that one was funny as hell.
Gas around 2.60 in Tulsa.
Kinda quiet sorta. Shootings/stabbings seem to be nearly on a daily basis.
Hospitals supposedly filling up here as well probably due to immune systems compromised by the jab is my guess. Saw Rod Stewarts young son went to the hospital for a heart attack and quite a few more died suddenly stories from around the country. Makes me wonder how many of the jabbed have dread on their mind. I pray for them and curse the parents who jab their kids. Saw where the vaxxine was approved for kids under 5. Special place in hell for all involved.
That’s not fair to the carp. Also saw yesterday Pfizer now has a dual flu/covid vaxx on the burner.
That pic of the Chicago Mayor, reminds of a carp.
I think a carp (bugle-mouth bass) would be less repulsive.
Maybe black grouper?
Meant to place here sorry.
That’s not fair to the carp. Also saw yesterday Pfizer now has a dual flu/covid vaxx on the burner.
Lots of “fronting” in the grocery store, shelves not all full. Some things have disappeared entirely. Wife took a Christmas job as retirement bores her. Said she notices that young employees have no drive to be excellent at their jobs. Zero sense of customer service. That may be why the store manager asked her if she wanted to work again this year. They are deep discounting their products to move as much as possible and still not making sales goals. People don’t seem to be spending as much this year. I just thank God my job is secure and not tied to the economy.
I got an email from Kaiser that says their Portland branches are all backed up with people with respiratory flu stuff similar to what you have. God’s speed to you and the wifely unit.
Random factoids: I was in S. Carolina recently, gas was very low compared to WA, at $2.89 vs. $4.29 where I am. Must be the massive extra taxes (and plenty more to come). Plenty of cars on the road everywhere, going who-knows-where. In WA, dried beans are notably a full 200% higher (yes, triple) over exactly one year ago. Rice remains 80% higher vs. a year ago. While flying, the snow coverage started in the Cascades and did not stop all the way down to Nebraska.
Damn, 200% on dried beans is crazy.
I’d buy a bunch but I’m the only one that would eat them.
That reminds me, I vacuum packed a bunch a few years ago, I should try cooking some to see how they are fairing.
If, God forbid, the rest of your family gets hungry enough, they’ll eat them.
Ham, beans and cornbread are an excellent combination.
Bean and rice are the poor man’s meat; a complete protein source. Vac sealed, they’re good for decades. As for getting others to eat it, the chef’s secret is variety in seasonings and condiments.
Ham hocks and beans over rice with a little Cajun spice. Mmmm-mmm-mmmm.
the one really good thing about dried beans is that you can plant them as well.
although they seem to do better with the wet paper towel trick first before putting them in the soil. tried it out years ago, they grow and fresh they taste better.
gas has dropped around here as well. under 4 bucks for the non corn gas now.
used to be 4.30 or so a while ago. picked up another 2 gas cans to fill up.
more worried about my heating oil in the tanks outside. they have locks on them,
but heating oil is over 6 bucks a gallon now around here.
the only good side of this is the assholes in big diesel pickups have stopped racing up and down the road now. yeah. there are a few of them around here.
shelfs seem stocked for the most part. there still some gaps here and there.
can not find blocks of cheese like I used too. nothing over a pound now.
used to buy 5 pound bricks of it to stash away.
eggs are up here as well. there a place down the road that still has them at a fair price compared to town. and they fresh !
firewood has gone up in price too. good firewood, oak or ash is top dollar now
close to 400 a cord and they charge to drop it off now as well.
half cords are 250 plus gas now, my neighbor got a load in this past week.
Ken is a great guy to buy from and when he has to raise his prices. you know it getting bad or tight.
didn’t buy any this year from him, but I did give him a Christmas gift same as last year. 5 gallons of good gas. his truck gets 8mpg with a load on it
and it pays to keep on good terms with a good and fair firewood guy.
something that has worked out very well for me in the past.
Over here in England people don’t realise whats coming, they think its going to be a bit of a downturn, they also think they can vote their way out of what the cabal have done by voting the same way they’ve done for decades whilst expecting a different result, these are the people under 40 who have lived much of their adult lives on almost free credit without a clue how things really are, many of the older folk are glued to the state broadcaster the BBC (think CNN) and believe all they see and hear therein.
I drive a road tanker, mainly wheat flour, volumes are down massively compared to the run up to every other Christmas, all previous Decembers we’ve been flat out trying to keep up, if basic staple foods aren’t selling then nothing is except cheap chinese made trinkets for Christmas presents.
England is ruined, we don’t make anything any more, we build thousands of warehouses which are filled to the rafters with cheap foreign tat that lasts 5 minutes, no factories, closed the coal mines years ago when the destruction of the country really started (under an alleged conservative govt again), the warehouses are inceasingly staffed by foreigners, and up to 1000 a day illegal immigrants are ferried into Kent county by our border farce and weirdly our lifeboat water taxi service, this over the English Channel which even the third reich couldn’t cross.
Our national debt has tripled in 12 years under a so called conservative government.
Doesn’t need spelling out where this is going does it.
Gas prices all over the place around these parts (Western IL-NE MO -SE IA)
3.19 here in Jacksonville (IL) Thu morning, now 3.09
3.04 @ Flying J in Wayland MO Thu
3.49 in Quincy IL
3.34 in Keokuk IA
3.79 (!!!) in Hamilton IL just across the river from Keokuk
Weather has been mid 40’s days, mid 30’s nights, but trending about 10 degrees colder mid-month or so ‘they’ say. (WHO is this ‘they’ that everyone quotes when talking about the weather, anyway ??)
You’re being facetious, right? If not, it’s the Cabal.
you have some research to do. Not on Gaggle.
Gasoline is $3.35 where I buy it. That’s been the same price for the past couple months. Lowest price around here is $3.24 at BJ’s. High is $3.69 at a local 7-Eleven. Median price over 20+ local stations is $3.49.
At the grocery store this week large eggs, white or brown, were $4.79. Jumbo browns were $3.99. I bought two as I had the space in the fridge.
My R.E. taxes went up 40% over last year. Only .gov is giving their employees raises of 5.6.7%. They claim they have to in order to retain their people. We all know that bullshit. I’d be telling to go work in the private sector and see how they fair. But NO. The Mayor believes his own bullshit. He’s RINO.
Nat Gas pricing went up $0.22/therm on Nov 1. Electricity pricing, 99% of which is produced locally in state any more went up 40% in September.
Good news, the condo fee went up $1.00/mth. However with increase in local R.E. taxes, water rates, nat. gas heat for the maintenance shed, that tells me that we’re getting hosed.
Other than that things are JUST PEACHY. I think I might have to get a part time job just to try to keep up, instead of spending down my savings which aren’t going to last at this rate. Who TF is going to hire a broke down curmudgeon 75 year old. I’m thinking bagger at the local grocery store. That’ll be a hoot with my attitude.
East side Washington: mail delivery infrequent, same in Idaho just to the east. Postal folk says they are short an average of ten people a day due to sickness, over work. Can’t get new hands to hire, they just don’t want to work. The ones that show up are pulling OT at a rate of $200K a year. Groceries are way up in every store, but no real shortages yet. Gas not a problem, we go through about 10 gallon a month. At 83 and 79 don’t need much so don’t go out often. Have just about quite eating out. Ain’t retirement wonderful?
Wait, wait, we get a SS pay raise in January, isn’t Ol’ Joe just wunnerful?
Highest raise in decades, too. What’s that tell y’all?
Gas has been below $3/gal fora while now. Not that I spend much on gas, because I’m again out of work. In the news this AM:
Colorado’s move to make all eggs sold in stores cage-free will impact consumers’ grocery bills.
This ain’t a place to be when you’re a low-income type.Rent, for example, is a killer, compared to elsewhere in the country.
Spent a week in ICU with Mediastinitis.
Gas bouncing around, avg about 3.29. Supermarkets stocked but fronted shelves disguising lots of low stock. Large, store brand eggs are 5.89 dozen. Cream cheese, when available, 6.99 for 12 ounces. Sales flyers loaded with more recipe ideas and less actual sales items. Restaurants busy but it is snowbird season. Attitudes by people seem fairly normal. Still see a guy with a pickup driving around with a HUGE Fuck Biden flag set up in the bed and plenty folks in the acreage area STILL have left up their Trump/Pence banners from 2 years ago. This all on the Florida Treasure Coast.
Still FUBAR. Gave a case of beer to a friend, for Christmas. Only to find out he didn’t drink it. He’s saving it, to trade for labor … for home repairs!
And me? Beyond Lucky. Beyond Blessed. After living in my van for four months (nightime temps in low thirties). Now four days in my new apartment. Had to make a trip to the pawn shop, to pull it off (the ONLY ones buying, in the absolute ZERO local economy). Much Gratitude Here! When did having a home become a luxury?
Were you down by the river?
Nooh … da river’s a bit of a distance. Though we make it once in a while … driving. Not marching …
Depending on the company over my way – Chevron or whatever, regular gas is between 3.80 and 4.00, diesel is between 5.80 and 6.00, weekly store observations for empty shelves didn’t find much, better stocked that two weeks ago, which makes suspicious dog even more suspicious, people are furtive and quick to apologize for nothing.
Eastern Edge of the Virginia Piedmont here, Diesel has been consistently $2.00 Higher than the cheapest Gasohol. Pure Gasoline (at the few places that have it) is +1.00 or more. Diesel fluctuates on nearly a Daily basis, 5-25 cents at at Time. Truck Stops on the I-81 close to $6.00. Grocery Shelves are badly ‘Pushed’, often only One Can at the edge. Canned Soup now almost Double from last Fall. Butter and Eggs higher at the Farmer’s Markets than the Grocery (better Eggs, though,) at $8/Dz. Bought the first 200 Bales of Alfalfa Hay for the Horses, $16 per standard Square Bale, last Fall it was $10. Ordered 150 More for late December delivery.
Horses all have Very Thick Winter Coats, but it still hasn’t been below Freezing in the Daytime…. Do they Know Something? Maybe this chick Knows Something? https://solargsm.com/.
The grocery store is a strange mix of low, flat, and strikingly higher prices. Family has been spinning up small businesses, with some success. My mother sent me Christmas money, and I bought a nice stack of how-to books (used).
Gas is $3.07. The metro bus company is offering a $5k signing bonus because they are about 3/4 staffed, I passed a bus and its sign was flashing the bonus instead of route info. Retail is trying to hire for weekends.
Property taxes in Minneapolis and St. Paul are going up 6.5% and 15%. The biggest newspaper has an article about eating road kill.
We saw a bald eagle in town today.
I have always personally considered a Bald Eagle sighting to be a very good omen.
There is a breeding pair nested somewhere not too far away from us and they will circle directly overhead on occasion.
BTW Peggy, I just added you to the Blogroll.
Thanks for stopping in!
Well Miss Peggy. Glad you showed up and commented here, I have been commenting on your blog for awhile.