23 thoughts on “This Feller’s Been Busy!

  1. Why’d you have to show that?
    Now I have to go buy a bunch of pigeons and build a place to keep them.

      • I’ve got black powder, pyrodex and pvc, so, I’m good, right?

        • How many rounds of .300 AAA did you fire at that Chicom surveillance balloon, until you realised it was just a blob of bore grease on your scope lens?

          • Johno, that balloon was flying around exactly one year ago. I’ve shown you how dang cold it is here right now. Grease is never applied to any firearm I own.

            • Those projectiles return to earth every time one is caught by gravity (the AAA Magnum is a hot round!), if one comes down point first across the Bering Strait, the FSB is gonna track the trajectory back. You may get warmer weather than you’re wishing for if Putin sends a return delivery!

    • This ^^^
      And roofing nails. My sons quit laughing at my collection when they found out.

  2. “I learned a thing or two from Charlie, don’t ya know”

    I used to know a maintenance man who owned a hunting camp in Louisiana. He’d had a brush with the law and wasn’t supposed to own firearms. Yeah, right. Anyway, any broken pulley or sprocket, any chunk of metal too short to use, he’d haul to the camp and bury so if the federales raided him they’d wear themselves ragged digging all that up.

  3. How much will you charge me for the film rights and footage from your cameras? Big movie potential.

  4. Sounds like he is set for the next four years of brandon FJB.
    Hope he doesn’t need all that when the next election gets done some time in February of 2025.
    Shoot them all and burn their bodies in pig fat.

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