Think It Will Happen?

Rising serpent 


Shitlibs who demonize “MAGA extremists” haven’t the faintest clue what comes after they put their dissenters in prison The rise of actual right wing ethnostate nationalists will be brutally vicious and merciless. Marxists are playing with fire and we get the country we deserve



Like I have said for many years, the pendulum always swings both ways.

If it swings as far right as it has far left in the last sixty years you can damn well bet the scenario above is not beyond the realm of possibility.

18 thoughts on “Think It Will Happen?

  1. no. they have no idea how pissed a lot of people are already. there is a lot of anger around here for the clowns in DC. they see how far their money goes these days
    and how high gas prices are when compared to 3 years ago under Trump.
    they giving billions away to people that hate us while a lot of vets are homeless ?
    they see out of control crime on TV. not here. they wouldn’t stand for it.
    they see millions of illegals coming here and getting more money than they do after working and paying into the system for 40 plus years. that alone pisses off a lot of them. those that can are working part time to make ends met.
    and if DC was to get hit by a nuke tomorrow, most would smile or cheer.
    there is a lot of people around here that are sick to death of the bullshit going on
    in THEIR country.

      • The only thing holding good people back is that if they act, their loved ones will be punished.

        Once their loved ones are fucked with, yeah, game on.

        We just wanted to be left alone.

  2. The left doesn’t have a clue. They do not really understand how the “flow chart” of things work Neither does the left realize that the majority of the people who ACTUALLY get stuff done and pay the taxes that fund this clown show and provide the safety net allowing these shenanigans’, are the same people who own the majority of guns.

  3. The problem is that we have sat back on our heels and gotten pissed off and done nothing except bitch about it.
    I personally believe it’s too late to do anything meaningful except load up and die for a principle that WAS the U.S of A.
    We let the left get too strong in weaponizing the FBI/ATF/IRS ET AL.
    They are coming for us soon and we will díe alone defending those we love with our last breath and ammo.
    They have the weaponry and they have the comms. We cannot organize like they can if they shut off our phones and internet.
    Sorry to be negative folks, but f-ing prepare. This is going to get ugly soon!

    • “I personally believe it’s too late to do anything meaningful except load up and die for a principle that WAS the U.S of A.”
      That’s always the first step. Soon.

  4. “The most terrifying force of death comes from the hands of Men who wanted to be left Alone. They try, so very hard, to mind their own business and provide for themselves and those they love. They resist every impulse to fight back, knowing the forced and permanent change of life that will come from it. They know that the moment they fight back, their lives as they have lived them, are over. The moment the Men who wanted to be left alone are forced to fight back, it is a form of suicide. They are literally killing off who they used to be. Which is why, when forced to take up violence, these Men who wanted to be left alone, fight with unholy vengeance against those who murdered their former lives. They fight with raw hate, and a drive that cannot be fathomed by those who are merely play-acting at politics and terror. TRUE TERROR will arrive at these people’s door, and they will cry, scream, and beg for mercy… but it will fall upon the deaf ears of the Men who just wanted to be left alone.”

  5. Just to be pedantic a-hole, there’s a thing about the pendulum analogy that most people don’t get.

    The pendulum is always swinging. ALWAYS. It slows down and stops only momentarily when it’s at the extremes. It’s going at its absolute fastest when it goes through “neutral” – neither right nor left.

    When it’s changing the fastest is when it’s going through the middle. Which seems to be now.

  6. The pendulum is broken. Has been for a while. The only way this country gets resurrected is if we have complete societal collapse, and can rebuild from a clean slate.
    Our illegitimate government has been exempt from the laws it has created since 1865.
    That is the definition of tyranny.
    Putting “better” people in charge won’t fix the problems. They become corrupted after less than one term, so term limits won’t work. They are immune to prosecution.
    Focus on local, local, local.

  7. I’m not to the point of shooting them yet but I’m far enough away from most everything I’d have to travel several days to do so. On the other hand, I won’t turn someone in for doing so nor if on a jury convict someone for the same. I expect things will get worse, probably all the way to another civil war, one that will be far worse then the last one as there are no geographical dividing lines these days.

  8. Shortly before the Kung-Flu emerged, my wife was diagnosed with cancer. She was successfully treated for it, concluding her post operative chemo and radiation treatments shortly before the cessation of “elective” surgeries and treatments.

    That is my red line; something happens to her because of governmental malfeasance such as denying her treatments, and I would find someone to take care of the cats, and take things from there.

    I’ll add that we both knew there was a possibility that the cancer might not be successfully treated even with the best people involved. That would NOT trigger(pun intended) a reaction other than sorrow for the loss of my life’s companion and best friend. She had an excellent team working for her; no complaints whatsoever.

  9. The time has come and gone, talk, talk, talk, talk…we got a Jan 6 “insurrection”. Lol. Keep moving the goal post and drawing new lines, that’s all that will be done until most lose everything. Doubt that statement, just keep watching.

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