7 thoughts on “Think back, when was a repub or a demi your friend?

    • A good question, and one that will never have a satisfactory answer to someone with my point of view. Although to be clear, I don’t worship the bad orange man™, or any other mere mortal, irrespective of what they might represent.

      I do wonder what animates the spirit of those who do (worship any person, not Trump specifically, that is). Celebrity culture is so totally alien to me. I can’t tolerate most people to begin with, and the rich and famous tend to especially piss me off.

        • Roger this^^^.
          DJT is just the latest, lesser evil. To be fair, he could be really good. Also, to be honest, he could get us into a no win-war with Russia, Turkey, Iran, Chyynah and who knows how many others! The Western power centers are decadent, evil and hated.
          Weinstein/Diddy/other blackmail party anyone? They said it would be fun…

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