12 thoughts on “Think about it.

  1. Profits not made means unforeseen problems closes the business.

    That quote sounds like Karl Marx re-written.

    Besides accepting this at face value is like accepting KneePads statements that grocery stores are profiteering and need to be price controlled.

  2. What’s the point in using YOUR money to OWN a business, only to give all the profits to the employees (of which you are not one)?

  3. I’ve always said, “so what?” I signed on to work at a certain pay rate. If they took in more than they expected, they’re no more obligated to pass it on to me than to cut my pay if they took in less. A deal’s a deal.

    Years ago, I read an old line in the Soviet Union was “they pretend to pay us and we pretend to work.” That worked out so well for them all.

  4. gee, does that also include the Vax guys ? after all, big pharma made mad bank
    on the Vax/Virus bullshit . but I guess they don’t count as it would put half or more of congress in trouble as well.

  5. However, back in the Nineties when I was still raising hogs, the packing plants were bragging about record profits while they paid me record low prices for hogs. There was a glut of hogs so they got away with paying us very little while they maintained high consumer prices. Yeah, I went out of the hog business while people were complaining that the price they paid for pork was making me rich.

  6. The degree to which one man lives off the labor of another is the degree to which they both participate in slavery, the monetary abstraction in-between hiding the true nature of the relationship.

    • I guarantee that whatever idiot said the above lived off other people’s labor. I guarantee that they did not raise all of their own food, did not build their own dwelling, did not dig their own well, did not generate all of their own energy. In the end, they live(d) off the labor of the farmer; they lived off the labor of the construction worker; they lived off the labor of the energy worker.
      The moron who authored the above degrades the meaning of the word slave. Slave includes the concept of a lack of free will.
      Only someone educated beyond their intelligence would make such a quote. Only a brainwashed imbecile would repeat such drivel.

  7. “Net Income/Loss” (profits if positive), does not include the cost for capital expenditures like buying machines, buildings, etc. needed to keep a business going or grow the business – so it does not necessarily tell the whole story.

  8. Sounds like the typical public sector union thinking. All the revenue goes to labor with no nothing left over for maintenance. All those levies are basically for differed maintenance and sometimes they even take those too after all who will complain or report something boring.

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