12 thoughts on “These are the aliens Congress is debating about…

  1. Don’t worry though. Snailens are SLOW. You know; just like the Walking Dead. …I never understood the panic in The Walking Dead. I mean, they’re WALKING… and really slow, at that! Just walk a little faster and you’re good…

    • Apparently, you haven’t watched enough zombie movies. There are “fast movers” out there too.

    • …double tap to the cranium or off with their head with a machete. Just don’t try to attack into a bunch of them. It only takes one bite and you’re one of them. Stand off distance and work from outside to inside or back to front of a group.

      • Build a double-height barrier of cargo containers. Build a moat. Make any basic fortification of which we’ve known how to do and have perfected since Roman times.

        Then just let the dumb things freeze to death in winter. Or just make some smash poles like they did during Medieval times – basically a weight on one end of a lever that you swing down from castle walls and use it to… smash people and things that get in the way.

        Seriously, Zombs are only a threat if you’re caught unawares and in open space. Even then, again, a cargo container with holes in the side for polearms or guns and, oh, we just re-created Zizka’s War Wagons from the 15th Century.

        Deep enough moat lined with spikes and sharpened poles and it would stop butt-cold any attack.

        Jeez. Only Hollyweird writers couldn’t think of how to successfully defend and go on the attack against even fast-moving zombies.

  2. These things may still outpace Cederq, unless he sees a doughnut shop near closing time!

  3. When the witness was asked if there were alien remains in .gov possession and he answered yes, NOT ONE of the CONgress critters thought to ask if he could describe what they look like.

    Not one.

    Almost all of the people that are supposed to be our representatives are lawyers, who are supposed to have inquisitive minds based on their training as lawyers.

    Yet, in case after case, maybe with the only exception of Senator Kennedy from Louisiana, these people are too stupid to ask the next most obvious question.

  4. I think the whole thing of Congressional Hearings on UFO’s and ‘aliens’ is just another “Look! a Squirrel” psyop. Does Anyone honestly believe that IF the government had “Captured” Flying Saucers and Aliens, that any so-called “Whistleblower” would be Silenced faster than someone with Dirt on the Clintons?

    IMO, the ONLY plausible “Flying Saucer” stories are the ones about the Nah-Zees and the Vril Society, and the Dornier “Haunebu” Magnetodynamic Ships. Look that up, it Is rather Interesting…

  5. Admiral Byrd tangled with those nazi flying discs on his second trip to Antartica. Supposedly he got his ass waxed by them. Not long after the world all signed on to the Antarctic Treaty and the rest is history. Meaning you ain’t allowed to go there and see.

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