22 thoughts on “There ya go greg, ya see watts listed?

  1. Square the “I” the multiply by the resistance to get watts. Ohms law does not deal with power at all.

    • Because it’s OHM’S Law. You need to use “PIE” for power in watts:

      P= I x E

      P= Power
      I= Amperage
      E= Voltage

    • Used both of those way back in the early 80s in electronics class both high school and post high school.

    • Used that sucker since 8th grade, back in the ’60s. Darn useful.
      Of course, in signals analysis Ohm’s Wheel goes out the window, but that’s electrical Engineering. KVL and KCL and all that…

  2. Also referred to as Ohm’s strong suggestions when one finds a violation.

  3. I have a “wheel of Ohm’s Law” sticker on the inside of my toolbox lid. It has been there since 1984. I got it in the Basic Electronic Principles class in the USAF.

    • Voltage is ElectroMotive Force, so you can substitute V for EMF.
      Makes no difference.

  4. E=volts I=amps R=ohms P=watts

    formula: E over IR P over IE

    E/I=circuit ohms E/R= circuit amps I*R=circuit volts
    P/I=circuit volts P/E= circuit amps I*E =circuit watts

    As I learned it 50 plus years ago for dc circuits….

  5. I know the equations by heart….what the hell would watts look like on the cartoon depiction of electricity??

    I’m asking because the answers could be funny af

    • Watts in a ‘toon look like an old man, hand to his ear, saying “WATT??”

      Damn… Did I just say that on the radio?…

  6. Even if the Ohm’s law is applied, it won’t change the LAW that Biden and Kamala are traitorous idiots and the dems are pure evil.

  7. You can use Eir Pie.
    From here you can get
    e=ir, i=e/r, r=e/i
    p=ie, i=p/e, e=p/i
    from here you cab substitute for the values you don’t have.
    ie; Power without e would be p=i*i*r or i^2 *r

  8. E (Electo Magnetic Force) with units of Volts (V)
    I for current with units of Amperes
    R for Resistance and units of Ohms
    So the gag for those that forgot algebra is:
    I = E/R Indian sees the Eagle over the Rabbit
    R = E/I Rabbit sees the Eagle over the Indian
    E = IR Eagle sees the Indian and the the Rabbit

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